
A Brief Summary Of Aging

Satisfactory Essays

Time is passing and different silent changes are happened without our feeling. These changes don’t only change our shape and appearance but also changes the smallest unit in our body. Over the time, our organs aged and loss their ability to function or we notice decline in the action of the cells. Cells loss their ability to divide and make new cells because the check point of chromosomes is impaired and that affect the cells make them go through uncontrolled division or apoptosis. All of these changes reduce the ability of the body to do their normal physiological tasks. People have misconception between two terms: aging and growth. Aging is a physiological process that the human go through it and the body shows different change such …show more content…

The main cause of aging is the DNA oxidation that causes biological destruction in the body because in this process there is DNA methylation and telomere shorting that affects the cell division and lead to genetic instability and damage mitochondria that may causes loss of the cell responds towards the nutritious substance, making of the protein, cell communication and this mostly happened in old people or after the 18 years …show more content…

 Electrolytes : They take part in maintaining the water balance in the body and organs and they include: sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate. During the life span the level of the electrolytes reminds normal under normal physiological status. Electrolytes imbalance only depends on the level maintenance which in some condition can cause the disease. During the aging the water balance is distracted and that causes different diseases such as: • Hypernatremia : Increase sodium in the blood above 145 (mmol/L) which indicates that there is kidney diseases or loss of water due to vomiting and diarrhoea. • Hypernatremia: in some elderly we can see that accompanied with congestive heart failure , liver and kidney diseases. • Hyperkalaemia : increase the potassium above 5.0 mmol/L due to kidney diseases and taking medication • Hypokalaemia: mostly due to kidney diseases. In aging the kidney loss it ability to filter the blood so the potassium will leak out of the body and shows in the

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