
A Brief Summary Of Unphiltered By Phil Robertson

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Imagine growing up dirt poor with multiple brothers living in a small, old trailer in Louisiana. Having zero worldly possessions and working yourself to death to achieve the little possessions you have. “We were so poor as kids. I didn't even see a bathtub, running water, hot water, commode - we didn't have any of that.” says Phil Robertson in his biography UnPhiltered. In his biography he discusses his journey from going to rags to riches. He gave up a football scholarship from the University of Louisiana-Monroe to become a full time fisherman and trapper to make a living for his family. Money didn’t come easy for Phil and his family so he had to work for everything they had. Mr. Robertson is a family man who raised 4 christ loving boys. …show more content…

One of Phil Robertsons main significance is the way he lives his life. It sets a great example for young kids growing up who want to become rich. Phil is extremely humble and even though he is worth millions of dollars you could never tell. You will never here him in the media bragging about his cars, houses, or money. He wears the same camo pants and shirt everyday He also has lived in the same double wide trailer for the past 30 years. In Robertson's’ biography he states, “If you know who you are before you get into something like this, you’ll recognize yourself on the other end of it. But if you don’t, well–our greatest fear is me and Willie start acting like Charlie Sheen!” He is setting an example to his family by telling them when the fame comes you will remain humble if you know who you are and what you were raised to …show more content…

He started off raised in poverty and learned how to work hard. As a kid him and his brother Si spent their time working and gathering food rather than playing with other young kids his age. This allowed him to obtain a strong work ethic and use that with everything he has done. Through hard work and dedication to doing what he loved he was able to start Duck Commander which is the most popular duck calling company in the world. His company which is ran by his son Willie is now a Multi-million dollar company. He also was the first person in his family to attain a college degree. In his biography he states, “I'm a highly-educated man, maybe a shocker to some. I have a master's degree. I'm no dumbo.” He sets a perfect example to his family and fans showing us that motivation to achieve what you want to do will help you achieve all of your

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