
A Call For Common Content Essay

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So often teachers are gathered up each month to sign a paper, watch a PowerPoint and listen to someone spew the latest theory labeled as professional development. Having state oversight bodies oversee teacher preparation and development based on Common Core Curriculum would be refreshing. “In order to create a national system, we must begin with standards, then adopt curriculum and curriculum materials and then develop assessment – in that order.” (Koonce, 2014, p. 118) If resources were spent on teachers to address, create, assess and coach Common Core Standards this would be true professional development. In addition to developing the standards we also need to develop the teachers who must have mastery of the standard they are …show more content…

No, just as two similar businesses men, artist or writers may approach a challenge there are many answers. We need to teach our children, as well as parents and teachers, that mastering a standard will not conclude with everyone having the same answer. We are no longer looking for one answer but yet the understanding of a standard that may have many answers to explain a process, concept or theory. We are now looking for “what students should learn and be able to do as they progress through school.” (Koonce, 2014, p. 117) In order to develop the understanding of a standard we must ask ourselves what “we expect all educated citizens, student, to have learned?” (Koonce, 2014, p. 117) If we start planning each lesson with the question, what do we want each student to learn and then ask what standard does this address? We as teachers will develop better lessons and the assessment will follow. If we start with the assessment, all we will be teaching is drill-based lessons to pass a test. As the lead teacher for the Digital Media Arts Academy at Century High School in Santa Ana, it is my job to implement the Common Core Standards and make sure my colleges are administering the standards as well. The purpose of an academy setting is to have students engaged in cross-curricular projects. With cross-curricular projects the students are gaining deeper understanding of the subject material with a digital media arts framework. As

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