
A Community 's Health : A Reflection Of The Health

Decent Essays

A community’s health is a reflection of the health experiences of its members (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Tabacco, & Harmon-Hanson, 2015). Family health nurses have a critical role in improving the health of the community by empowering families to lead a healthful life, as well as facilitating a family’s access to needed resources (Kaakinen et. al., 2015). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the varies roles of family health nurses in my community, as well as the assets their position provides our community. Huntington, the second largest city in the state, is a quaint community located in Cabell County, West Virginia along the banks of the Ohio River (COH, 2016). Huntington’s population of approximately 49,000 people relies on health care and education as its primary sources of revenue (COH, 2016).
Nurse Home Visit Programs The Health Resources and Services Administration (n.d.) recognizes home visits by a nurse improves maternal and child health. According to 2015 county data, forty percent of children living in Cabell County are from single-parent households, which signifies how beneficial this program is for our community (CHRR, 2016). Cabell County, West Virginia participates in the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting program to assist families during pregnancy through the first five years of the child’s life (HRSA, n.d.). Any expecting mother, as well as families with a child under the age of five, can participate in the program (HRSA,

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