
Similarities Between The Help And A Doll's House

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Both the 2011 drama film adaption of Kathryn Stockett’s The Help (1960s setting), directed by Tate Taylor, and the 1879 three-part play, A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, challenge their audiences to consider the theme of society and class within their respective time periods. Both creators focus on female protagonists who set out to turn against the demands of their society and class to vocalise their values and beliefs. Taylor encourages the viewer to evaluate this concept, through the use of cinematic techniques that illustrate the impact of one character’s beliefs on multiple characters’ rebellion against their perceived society and class, in 1960 America. Conversely, through literary techniques, Ibsen challenges his audience to consider the possible psychological effects of conforming to one’s society and class, by focusing on the notion of female oppression as a Norwegian societal norm during the nineteenth century.
Both Taylor’s The Help and Ibsen’s A Doll’s House explore the theme of society and class through literature and writing. Taylor uses a 1960 American setting to confront his audience with the idea of literature and writing, in order to encourage consideration of the power of literature through advocacy against racial discrimination. Likewise, Ibsen explores the idea of literature and writing, but does so through a nineteenth century Norwegian storyline. During his play, Ibsen uses the power that men generate through the written word, to confront his audience

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