
A Conversation With Real Life Director Harrison Starr

Decent Essays

Event from chapter 1: when Harrison compares anti-war books to anti-glaciers books In the first chapter, which serves as an introduction, Vonnegut directly addresses the reader, pointing out his attitude towards war. The author makes it clear that he sees it as something ugly and horrifying, however, it seems like he is resigned to the fact that war will always exist. In one passage Vonnegut recounts a conversation with real-life director Harrison Starr. When Vonnegut explained that he was working on an antiwar book, Harrison said “You know what I say to people when I hear they’re writing anti-war books? ... I say, ‘Why don’t you write an anti-glacier book instead?’”(3). Vonnegut informs the reader that what Harrison meant by these words of course, “was that there would always be wars, that they were as easy to stop as glaciers”(3). In this quote, Vonnegut’s compares war with the glaciers. There has always been war just like there have always been glaciers. But there will not always be glaciers since they will all eventually melt and when they do, we will suffer. We are unable to live without glaciers, and we are unable to live without war either. No matter how great his anti-war novels are, Vonnegut doesn’t expect them to change society since he already knows that war is unstoppable.

1rst Event: when Billy watches the Second World War movie backwards One significant event in Kurt Vonnegut’s book Slaughterhouse Five begins when Billy turns on

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