
A Critique For Clt.

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Name: Esraa Galal Salama Haiba M.A 2016 program
A Critique for CLT
There has been a big shift in teaching languages away from the old traditional ways to the notion of CLT, but like any modern notion, it should not be followed blindly by all institutions in all parts of the world. To make the decision of whether or not it should be used in a particular class, so many variables need to be examined including; the aims for learning and teaching a language, the actual teaching process, the cultural acceptance and appropriateness of CLT, and the readiness for teachers to use it.

What is CLT? Where did it come from?
Communicative language teaching (CLT) is based on the idea that language is but a mean for communication, and so its primary goal is to achieve, what is called, communicative competence. For CLT, a good language learner is one who can communicate well in a real life situation that which involves a lot of strategies to keep a meaningful conversation and to avoid any communication gap. Unlike the audio-lingual method, which originally originated from behaviorism, CLT did not have any psychological background. Thus, all that CLT material developers and syllabus designers had was the broad theory that students learn best by doing. It was all based on the general assumption that the “learners’ communicative competence develops automatically through their active participation

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