
A Culture Of Injustice By Jerome G. Miller 's Article ' American Gulag '

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A culture of injustice combined with racism and religious discrimination has left the prisoner’s rights forsaken. As these matters get more serious, prisoners are having their rights taken away from them. Even the most corrupted inmates have the right to be free from discrimination while imprisoned. Held in conditions that threaten their health and safety, these inmates’ rights are being violated without people’s knowledge. With so many of the world’s population being behind bars, it is essential that they should not denied from their basic human rights. As known, being a convicted prisoner inherently means that one may lose certain constitutional freedoms, however prison officials cannot easily restrict anything they want.
It is human nature to set everything in different groups because it makes everything easier to understand. Similarly, in prisons all around the world, prisoners are being treated poorly because of their race. According to Jerome G. Miller’s article “American Gulag”, bias behaviors towards inmates because of their skin color is the results of white supremacy in prisons. As stated in the following quote “Although the rates of drug consumption are roughly equal amongst white and black populations, blacks are imprisoned for drug offences at fourteen times the rate of white”. The fact that, that is even a true is disturbing due to the racial discrimination happening not only in prison, but also in our society. The belief that Caucasians are superior to those

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