
A Doll 's House By Henrik Ibsen

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n A Doll’s House, Henrik Ibsen examines conventional roles of men and women in the nineteenth century. In the play, Nora exemplifies the conventional feminine standard of the period. She seems to be powerless and confines herself through patriarchal expectations, which signify a woman’s social role at that tome, that is, of a wife and mother. In turn, masculine perspective measures feminine conduct during that period. Finally, Nora makes a decision to break up with her family in order to become independent. She does this aslo in order to gain and assert her personality through social identity. However, her deed is rather a manifestation of her selfishness than her rebellious spirit. It means that none of the gender parties in this play can be considered as completely just or unjust. So, the paper considers various manifestations of justice and injustice in the relationships between the main characters and considers the social background of their decisions and deeds. The protagonist of A Doll’s House is a woman named Nora Helmer. Ibsen shows how Nora’s design of perfect life gradually transforms when her secret unravels. Promotion of Nora’s husband to a bank manager in the town bank makes her convinced that she will live a worry free and careless life ahead. Conversely, Nora’s notion of a magnificent life totally changes as her long-kept secret is exposed. The play begins at Christmas time and a larger income begins after the New Year. The beginning of new life makes Nora

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