The Patriot is a movie made in 2000 to simplify the historical event that happened in 1975-1983, The American Revolutionary War or also known as The American War of Independence. Previous motives for revolution were selfish, pompous and unscrupulous that was also the case for this revolution, but that transformed to the magnificently Declaration of Independence. However, the Americans descended into a war of desperation as the Britain released their military potency.
The father Benjamin Martin that undergoes a dynamic change in the trailer is the patriot. Benjamin Martin is all about protecting his family and withhold his will and desire to not participate in another war. He refuses to leave his family fatherless, but that posture didn’t
The film 1776, directed by Peter H Hunt, produced by Columbia Pictures, and starring actors such as William Daniels, Howard Da Silva, Ken Howard, and more is a comedic and musical retelling of the events and struggles occurring in congress leading up to the declaration of the USA’s independence from Britain. The film takes place during 1776 in Philadelphia, mostly within the Carpenter’s Hall where the Second Continental Congress was held. While it only took place within Philadelphia, it was able to present the attitudes of the different colonies through the delegates.
First, according to the Patriot Source Benjamin Martin was not even a real person. Martin was based off of Francis Marion. In the movie Francis was depicted as someone who took care of his kids and made sure they were safe and when troops were hurt and they landed on his plantation he took care of them and bandage them up. In the movie Martin goes into the army after his two older sons to make
“1776” is a story of war. This book chronicles the year 1776 and the different battles that took place during the year. Instead of exploring the political changes the year oversaw, Pulitzer Prize winner, David McCullough explores in a different perspective on the battles that occurred during the year. From battle strategies, to the lives of Major Generals, McCullough takes you through the story in a more realistic and factual perspective. “1776” offers an intimate look into the military aspects of the revolutionary war which creates a more lively and engaging literature. McCullough opens the book in London, where King George III appears on behalf of his people to announce war with the North American colonies. American patriots sought to overthrow British government that overexerted its power and pressed the American colonists, which manifested in the former taxes and troops. The American colonists began to protest and riot, which increased tension, eventually leading to the Battle of Lexington and Concord,
The movie, The Patriot, is the story of a South Carolina plantation owner, Benjamin Martin, who leads a local militia against British troops in the South during the beginning of the American Revolutionary War. Martin, who is a widower with six children and a veteran of the French and Indian War, wants nothing to do with the war until a brutal British Colonel, William Tavington, kills one of his sons and takes his eldest son, a member of the Continental Army, prisoner. Martin, who’s character is loosely based on Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox, uses guerrilla warfare to cut British supply lines and attack outposts in an attempt to slow General
The Revolutionary war, sparked by the colonist's anger towards taxation without representation, was a conflict between the United States and its mother country Great Britain. This event had been considered the most significant event in the American history. It separated the thirteen colonies from the tyrannical ruling of King George. The revolutionary war was not a big war, "The military conflict was, by the standards of later wars, a relatively modest one. Battle deaths on the American side totaled fewer than 5,000"1. However, the war proved that the thirteen colonies were capable of defeating the powerful Great Britain. Over the years there were many Hollywood films made based on the revolutionary
The American Revolution which started from 1775 and ended on 1783 is also known as the American Revolution war and the U.S. war of Independence. There arises a battle between residents of Great Britain’s North American Colonies and the colonial government which represented the British crown. Different battles were fought to declare the independence of the country. British strategy in 1777 involved two main prongs of attack mainly aimed at separating New England from the other colonies. The American triumph Saratoga is proven to be a turning point of the American revolution as it urged France to enter the warfare openly on the American side. Eventually, the war between Britain and its colonies turned over to be a crucial world war.
In the two films The Patriot, and 1776, there were some similarities and there were differences. Some of the similarities and differences had to do with the setting and the time period it was in. Also in the films the some of the characters shared the same traits, the wars in the movies in the movies were also different like in The Patriot it had a lot to do with war but in the 1776 movie it had to do with the signing of the Declaration of Independence. They both both share the one important thing America’s independence.
Movies are made to be sold and not history to be perfectly told. If movies include a complete history, it wouldn't be known as a movie anymore. However, it would be called a documentary, which most people get fed up of. So interpretations, exaggerations and idealistic scenes are added to the movie to make it more interesting for the audience. "The Patriot" is a similar film made during the modern day time about a time period in which none of the experienced the real revolution. Politically, socially, and culturally, "The Patriot" attempts to give a sense of the scope of aspects involved in the American Revolution. Despite succeeding in this regard, it still lacks details that reveal the true complexity of the mixed sentiments present in
The American Revolutionary War, also known as the American War of Independence, started from 1775 and ended in 1783. This turning event in history was caused by Great Britain governing the 13 colonies and taxing goods without consent. After the French and Indian War, King George the 3rd needed to pay off war debt. His solution was to tax the colonies, which made them agitated and revolt against Great Britain and their soldiers called the redcoats. There were some people who wanted to stay loyal to Britain and were called Loyalists. On the other hand, colonists who fought for their freedom and supported independence from the British were called Patriots. The colonists and British both believed that the war would be over quickly.Unfortunantly, the colonists didn’t have an experienced and well-trained army unlike the British. Thanks to the France, Spain, and Netherlands, who affiliated with the American patriots the colonists were able to win the war against Britain. Gaining allies was a prominent event because the American colonies needed support from other countries in order
The American Revolution was a struggle for independence from oppressive British rule. That struggle was launched with the Declaration of Independence in 1776, resulted in an unlikely military
The Patriot. A person who is willing to fight for their country against enemies. The Patriot begins in the year 1776 in the colony of South Carolina. Mel Gibson plays a planation farmer who fought in the French-Indian war named Benjamin Martin. A War was about to begin and Benjamin wanted no share partaking in the soon-to-be American Revolutionary War. He was more concerned about his two eldest sons who wanted to fight under General George Washington. The beginning of the movie starts out with Benjamin Martin peacefully living with his kids whom no longer have a living mother. Benjamin’s oldest son, Gabriel, joins the war without permission from his father. As the rest of the family are at home one afternoon, Colonel William Travington burns the Martin Plantation to the ground and his second oldest son was killed immediately for interrupting Travington’s plan. Benjamin finds a way to seek revenge because of the rage he experiences after his family is hurt. He begins to realize that he needs to fight for his children and he will not do it alone. Both Benjamin and his oldest son, Gabriel, decide to join the militia as a way of showing what they are capable of. Throughout the film, Benjamin Martin becomes a soldier whom others respect and admire. He shows the militia what it means to truly care for not only his men, but also for his family. As the film progresses, a turn of events take place that show Benjamin’s continued want of revenge against General Charles Cornwallis. The Continentals and the militia soon commence the battle at Cowpens. This is when Benjamin Martin meets his enemy, Travington, who murdered his two eldest sons. After a drawn-out battle, Benjamin stabs Travington in the neck and kills him for the sake of his children. It is then that General Cornwallis retreats his forces and the rest celebrate. Even though some portions of The Patriot aren’t as accurate as we perceive, it is a film full of war and despair, but also a film that contributes to the importance of dignity and the love for one’s family.
Many know the American Revolution as a war of independence between Great Britain and the thirteen colonies in the United States. During this war, the thirteen colonies with the help of the French and others won their freedom from Great Britain. According to history the actual war started in 1775 and ended sometime in 1783. Although the war was fought in phases there were several factors that lead up to the war long before 1775 and a few immediately preceding 1775. The revolution was inevitable based on the long-term causes. The short-term causes are what solidified the war.
The American Revolution, which occurred approximately from 1765 to 1786, is also known as the American Revolutionary War and the U.S. War of Independence, for good reason. The conflict rose from rising tensions amid the people of Great Britain’s thirteen American colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British crown. Clashes between Britain’s troops and colonial militiamen in Lexington and Concord in April 1775 kicked off the armed conflict, and by the following summer, the rebels were waging a full-scale war for their independence. The American Revolution had tremendous consequences, and was not simply a victory of arms on the battlefield, but also a feat of economic and political ideals, and vital societal changes. This huge period of history set into motion greater changes in American life and created a country, demonstrating just how this revolutionary age in time more than earned its name. This battle of independence waged by the American colonies against Britain influenced political ideas and revolutions around the globe, as a young, largely divided nation won its freedom from the greatest military force of its time.
The “Patriot” takes place in South Carolina in 1776 during the Revolutionary War. It is a story about a widowed father of seven, named Benjamin Martin. Benjamin was involved in the French and Indian War before marrying and starting a family. He is reluctant to join the conflict as he remembers too well his own experience in the earlier French and Indian War. After his wife passed away he does everything to keep his family together and away from war. He is a patriot who wants no part in a war with Britain.
To start with, the military aspect of the movie was accurate in its treatment of slaves, and the depicted actions of soldiers. The Patriot was correct in showing that both sides committed war atrocities. The colonists when they were shown killing surrendering British soldiers, and the British when they burned people alive in the church. In the article by Slate, it states that both the British and Americans did commit war crimes by killing those who surrendered, but there was no mention of any general locking civilians in a church and burning it. Another way The Patriot was correct, was in the way it depicted the treatment of slaves. The movie shows one slave being forcibly enlisted by his master. Later, he learns of the freedom and payment he may earn shall he continue to serve in the Continental Army. At the end of the movie it