The “Patriot” takes place in South Carolina in 1776 during the Revolutionary War. It is a story about a widowed father of seven, named Benjamin Martin. Benjamin was involved in the French and Indian War before marrying and starting a family. He is reluctant to join the conflict as he remembers too well his own experience in the earlier French and Indian War. After his wife passed away he does everything to keep his family together and away from war. He is a patriot who wants no part in a war with Britain.
Meanwhile, his two eldest sons, Gabriel and Thomas, can't wait to go out and kill some Redcoats. When South Carolina decides to go to war with Britain, Gabriel immediately joins the Continentals .without his father's permission. Ben,
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The three of them manage to kill many of the British troops holding Gabriel. Gabriel re-joins the cause against his father's will again stating it is his duty as a soldier. Ben decides to join the fight later when he catches up with his son and they report together, leaving the rest of the children in the care of their aunt Charlotte
Ben quickly concludes the poorly trained and ill-experienced Colonials cannot hope to beat the British in set piece battles - shooting at each other in open field, as was the custom of warfare at the time - because the British are too well trained and well armed. Continental Army Colonel Harry Burwell having fought alongside Ben in the French and Indian War, asks Martin to organize a militia designed to keep British General Cornwallis in the south until the French navy arrives with 10,000 soldiers as re-enforcements. French Officer Jean Villeneuve is present to help train the militia having witnessed his wife and daughters burned alive by the British army while aboard a ship.
The South Carolina militia is called up and adopts guerrilla tactics, using elements of surprise and attack, to harry the British supply lines.. To combat the militia, Cornwallis who had previously berated Tavington for his callousness towards civilians and executing surrendering troops, - authorizes Tavington to pursue more brutal tactics in order to draw Ben out. Tavington tracks Ben's family to their refuge with Charlotte and
Gabriel, the younger of two Okimasis brothers, discovers that life in residential school is very different from the magical life back home. It does not take long for Gabriel to suffer his first episode of abuse at the hands of the Catholic priest, as Jeremiah witnesses the priest sexually molesting his brother in the darkness of the night. A second incident of abuse occurs when Gabriel gets caned for singing "Kimmosoom Chimasoo" while "hanging from the cross." Strangely enough, Gabriel is seen to
The movie, The Patriot, is the story of a South Carolina plantation owner, Benjamin Martin, who leads a local militia against British troops in the South during the beginning of the American Revolutionary War. Martin, who is a widower with six children and a veteran of the French and Indian War, wants nothing to do with the war until a brutal British Colonel, William Tavington, kills one of his sons and takes his eldest son, a member of the Continental Army, prisoner. Martin, who’s character is loosely based on Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox, uses guerrilla warfare to cut British supply lines and attack outposts in an attempt to slow General
Then came the Civil War. Robert Gordon, now too old to be involved, gave his support and advice to James and they raised a company of Confederate cavalry, the first from northern Mississippi. Before James Gordon left for service, he called Uncle Eb to see him. “Take care of my family and the plantation,” he told his mentor, “My father needs your help and I need to know that you are here with my family. Don’t let anything happen to them and I’ll be back home soon.” He embraced the older man and told him goodbye. This began Uncle Eb’s role as the caretaker and guardian of Lochinvar.
During the American Revolution, Patriot irregulars under Colonel William Campbell defeat Tories under Major Patrick Ferguson This takes place at King’s mountain south carolina. Major Ferguson’s Tory force is mostly made up of loyalists from south carolina. 1,000 american frontiersmen that demonstrated lethal marksmanship under Colonel Campbell of virginia.Pursued by patriots positioned his tory force on a rocky, treeless with unforgiving terrain named Kings Mountain. The patriots charged the hillside relentlessly
Still of the mind that the Revolution was a New England War, the British leadership including General Clinton concluded that if a foothold could be secured in the south, then not only would the Americans be demoralized by another loss, but the British army could draw support from the locals and attack again at Pennsylvania and New England with renewed vigor. Both assumptions were wrong, and “savage guerrilla fighting” erupted in the Carolinas and Georgia (58). Loyalists and Patriots were at each other’s throats, and, as Cornwallis pushed inland, he found it impossible to hold territory. By 1781 Cornwallis’s army was pigeonholed in Yorktown, Virginia (65). Resources were so diverted to the south, combined with the continued demoralization of the English population at home by a sort of independent American navy, that, when the battle of Yorktown finally commenced and concluded, there was no longer a will to fight amongst the British leadership (68). “News of the surrender … turned the public mood” and British emissaries “met in France with Franklin, John Adams, and John Laurens” (68). So disastrous was this last English misjudgement that it ultimately lost them the
Forced to choose between his family and a peaceful life Benjamin reconnects his roots from the previous war and rescues his oldest son. After Benjamin rescues him, his son enlists stating that it is his duty to the country. Even though he is hesitant, Benjamin then enlists to accompany him and becomes the Colonel of a militia. Benjamin does some recruitment at a local tavern and musters up a decent size militia. He leaves his other children with their aunt Charlotte, his dead wife’s sister. Gabriel and Benjamin separate for recruitment and Gabriel travels to a town and reunites with a girl from his
The two brothers want to fight the Nazis like their father is doing in Africa but they’re obviously underage. The two brothers are home alone the majority of the time since their mom works at the munitions factory, this leads them to spend hours exploring the outdoors. Whilst they're playing make-believe war, the young boys step foot on a military base. They are confronted by soldiers who seem very secretive, the Braun siblings think that the military base is actually occupied by Nazis. This piqued their curiosity even more so they try to gain more intel, they start talking to Jack’s boss, the journalist and WWI ex-German soldier. After gaining more information about the Camp they decide to sneak into it. When they are laying on the floor they get caught by a soldier. The brothers are brought in the camp and they have to sign a contract to never disclose any information about Camp X. The boys meet to very important figures in the war, Big Bill and Little
The second event is when his wounded son, Gabriel, comes home. The third event is when he experiences the war basically in his front yard. The fourth event is when the British arrive in his front yard, burn down their house, execute the injured Americans, capture Gabriel, and kill Thomas. The fifth event is when Benjamin and his next two oldest sons, Nathan and Samuel, take revenge by killing the British soldiers that captured Gabriel. The three men save Gabriel from the British hands.
Since the incident when he was 17, Tyrone wanted to fight with the Union in the Civil War. He was now 21. Unfortunately, his miserable childhood luck followed him into adulthood. The Union would not hire him. They were afraid that he would give away their location when they were to try and ambush the Confederates. His father Toby, the general, tried everything he could to persuade the Union soldiers to let Tyrone join but they kept refusing. His older brother, Toby Jr. and his favorite cousin, Mason, joined the war. Tyrone never felt
Movies are made to be sold and not history to be perfectly told. If movies include a complete history, it wouldn't be known as a movie anymore. However, it would be called a documentary, which most people get fed up of. So interpretations, exaggerations and idealistic scenes are added to the movie to make it more interesting for the audience. "The Patriot" is a similar film made during the modern day time about a time period in which none of the experienced the real revolution. Politically, socially, and culturally, "The Patriot" attempts to give a sense of the scope of aspects involved in the American Revolution. Despite succeeding in this regard, it still lacks details that reveal the true complexity of the mixed sentiments present in
Breaking news!Benjamin Martin is fake, I repeat, Benjamin Martin is fake! You might be wondering, who is Benjamin Martin? Well to start off, he is the main character in the movie, the Patriot. The patriot was a movie released in 2000 that is a parody of the Revolutionary War. The patriot is somewhat historically accurate because it portrays militia-fighters, it has some hollywood differences, and it portrays what life was like back then.
II. Movie Summary: "The Patriot" takes place during the Revolutionary War. It's 1776 and intense fighting is going on in the north, while in the south the people are scrambling to recruit anyone who was willing to fight against the British. The main character, Benjamin Martin, is a veteran of the French and Indian war who
Cassie’s mission is to escape the aliens and save her brother; Ben Parish’s is strikingly similar. Benjamin, age 17, was captain of the varsity football team, a prodigy in all things school, and he had a smile that could charm anyone. But brilliance and charm alone can not get him out of his current situation; sergeant and squad leader of a military unit assigned to eliminating alien infected persons. While in training at the military’s Camp Haven, Ben meets a very young boy named Sammy. Sammy is the same age as Ben’s now dead sister, five years old. He swore to himself that he would not let anyone hurt Sam, like the “others” murdered his little sister. No matter what the stakes, Benjamin will try to help Sam escape the alien compound that is Camp Haven.
American history usually starts with Columbus and the famous myths surrounding the “founding” of the New World. As children we learn about how Columbus fought against all odds to convince the king and queen of Spain to fund his voyage to prove the world was not flat. As we grow in our understanding of history we find that most of the world, at that time, already knew the world was round. So why do we believe in these myths? We believe in these types of myths because they make the central character or characters appear larger than life, much like a Hollywood blockbuster. In the 2000 film the Patriot, directed by Ronald Emmerich, and distributed by Columbia Pictures; we follow the story of American Revolution as seen through the eyes of a
In the two films The Patriot, and 1776, there were some similarities and there were differences. Some of the similarities and differences had to do with the setting and the time period it was in. Also in the films the some of the characters shared the same traits, the wars in the movies in the movies were also different like in The Patriot it had a lot to do with war but in the 1776 movie it had to do with the signing of the Declaration of Independence. They both both share the one important thing America’s independence.