
A Frame Of Social Invisibility

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A Frame of Social Invisibility: Public Policy of Social Negligence and Street Children in Brazil Hollywood often reflects the sentiments and experiences of the times through cinematic works of cultural and social relevance. Brazilian film carries a common thread of negligence and isolation of poor and unfortunate citizens; Bus 174 clearly portrays the experiences of one of Brazil 's many forgotten street children. Brazilian culture, in law and in social attitudes, sets the impoverished children of its cities up for short lives of crime, hardship, and cruelty disguised as justice. [DEFINE STREET CHILDREN AND FAVELAS] Most families that came to the favelas in the 1960s and 1970s began as nuclear units, but with the economic strain of the cities and minimal government support, many broke down and created fractured home lives for uprooted children. Sandro 's mother lived alone, without his father, and as a young boy he had a series of step-fathers that would always leave in the end. This psychological strain of repeated rejection often causes self-esteem issues in young boys when father-figures are involved (Perry 2005). While social factors were on the side of poor children in earlier decades and religious duties placed the poor among the most important members of society to aid, by the time Sandro was on the streets, religious communities did not often provide any assistance. Before the Eighties, children were brought into schools by wealthier and more fortunate Catholics,

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