
A Global Supply Chain Manager

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The work of a global supply chain manager is ever changing. These global supply chains must be fluid and responsive to keep with the changing landscape that is global business. Risk factors, consumer expectations, political change, and environmental concerns are many of the things that they must overcome. Planning, communication, and strong relationships can aid these managers in doing what the need to stay on top of all these challenges. The main goal of the supply chain is to provide the customers with what they want. The supply chain either globally or domestically needs to know and understand the needs of its consumers. Supply chains are here to stay, and supply chain managers will probably have a growing source of responsibility. Even …show more content…

However, many things recently have proven the support for globalization is lessening in developed countries like the “Buy American, Hire American” executive order, Brexit, and the removing of America from the Tran-Pacific Partnership. One area of focus for all businesses is to be green or more environmentally friendly. Global supply chains are no different. However, sometimes it is a strategy to just pollute and worry about the costs later. This has changed aspects of the global supply chain and the logistical portion of what is required. One issue is cost, and the effort to increase environmental sustainability has raised the cost of oil and gasoline. This has changed the strategy of man global supply chain managers. A way to combat this is to aim for a localized global supply chain. This means to move some of the processes away for the longer distance to maybe closer emerging markets. Here in the United States, we have Latin America which would be a big difference from China or other Asian countries. Strategic partnerships with suppliers have been a vital tool for domestic supply chains, but global supply chains have often lack in this aspect. However, that is what contemporary supply chain managers aim to do. Long-term strategic partnerships have many advantages: reliability, quality control, and competitive pricing.

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