
A Healthy Mind: Doing What Matters Most For Your Child's Developing Brain

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It is true that dream careers have immense economic, psychological, physiological, and sociological benefits, but why do dream careers stem from childhood, and why is it so important to pursue them? It seems as though, what a child is exposed to allows them to explore, which gives way to an initial childhood dream with endless potential for success in future career endeavors. Similarly, it appears that each individual has a set of unique strengths and weaknesses that further enlist our interests to a particular dream career. Often times, a child will say they want to be a scientist, a nurse, a doctor, or a firefighter when they grow up. It is interesting that the most popular career choices of children are those career choices that have the …show more content…

Nagel explains Raymond Cattel’s theory on childhood intelligence and childhood development in a way that brings to light the start of a childhood dream career in the book, “Nurturing a Healthy Mind: Doing What Matters Most for Your Child's Developing Brain.” He …show more content…

For Cattell, fluid intelligence represented a person’s innate abilities to detect relationships among various stimuli and to process this information effectively, efficiently and quickly. Fluid intelligence is all about a person’s ability to think and act quickly, or to reason, and it is an innate capacity grounded most noticeably in the brain (nature). Crystallised intelligence, on the other hand, represents those skills and abilities we get from accumulated knowledge and experience, good judgement and social skills, and stems from learning and the environment (nurture)… A good part of intelligence in relation to healthy cognitive development is nurtured through exploration and opportunities to extract meaning from such explorations and more often than not it is the mistakes that children make that provide a great deal of meaning and intellectual stimulation. (qtd. in Nagel

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