
A Helping Hand: My Loan Recipient Essay

Decent Essays

Liya Banda is the loan recipient I helped fund from Lusaka, Zambia. Her story stood out to me because there was not much progress made on her loan. She was far from her goal with only 10% progress made. At the time I picked her, there was a glitch on FINCA’s website and I wasn’t even able to read her full biography. I decided to fund her loan anyways because I trusted that she could use the help. Her story was on the last page of the website, her loan wasn’t near being fully funded, and her biography was not complete. I put myself in her position and realized just how much help she needed. I had hope that people would do the same I did and give her the benefit of the doubt. Once I was able to read her full story, I was so glad I …show more content…

I am so thankful I was given the opportunities in my life that have led me to where I am today. Her story really impacted the way I view microfinancing and charity in general. I don’t think I really appreciated it and understood the way it can change people’s lives until I read her story and realized that I helped her. I helped her provide for her family and increase her profits for her business. Even though it was only a twenty five dollar loan, it was enough to make a change. She only needs 16 people to lend her 25 dollars in order for her to get to her 400 dollar goal. I am so honored I was one of the 16 people to help her get back on her feet and am looking forward to seeing her progress. People like Liya who are struggling just need a helping hand to pick them up off their feet. Microfinance and charity have the same goal but are still very different. Charity is when someone donates their time or money to an organization. When you give money to a charity, you are helping an organization and not a specific individual. You don’t know the specific person you are helping. With microfinance, you are loaning money to certain individuals. You know the name and story of the person you are loaning your money to. Organizations such as FINCA and Kiva allow people to send their money across the world to those who need the help. They have the same goal of helping those who need it. The major difference is that you give your

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