
A Interview On The Volunteer Program

Decent Essays

The volunteer program that the RCOC has constructed requires all the people that are interesting to go through a vetting process that all employees, board members, and other persons that working closely with the organization must go through. The potential volunteer must go through a background check, submit a drug screening, have or be able to obtain a fingerprint clearance card, and have a shot record that verifies that they have taken a TB test. The outreach center wanted prospective volunteers take part of these procedures to ensure that the individuals representing the organization have no criminal record and have some sense stability. Before a potential volunteer goes completes the vetting process, they have to submit an online volunteer application, so we can discover their areas of interest, their experience level, and decide if they would be a good fit for the RCOC organization. If we have applicant seems to meet the appropriate criteria they will be selected for an interview. The interview process will include questions as to why they want to volunteer at RCOC, what they want to get out of the experience, and giving them some scenarios that can occur to establish their problem solving skills. After they have successful completed the interview up they will be placed in one of four volunteer departments. RCOC keeps in mind what the individual areas of interest were before making this choice and the volunteers are allowed to float in between departments. The

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