
A Interview To Have A Interview With My Father

Decent Essays

Someone that I would choose to talk to one more time and have a conversation with is my dad. I chose my dad because he was my inspiration and my full time support when I needed it, even when I didn’t need it. If there was a conversation I wanted to have with him, it would be the best, longest conversation we ever had. We would talk about how I have grown into an independent young lady that I am today. I want him to know that I am doing things Ten-times better to make him and my family proud, just to say that I succeeded my goals in life. All I have are memories and pictures in a frame. I know that I have you in my heart, and god has you in his arms. There are days where I wish you were here to tell me that everything is going to be okay and I will make it. We have so much to talk about that I want to tell you. Since April 2010, you have been gone, I know you watch my every move from heaven. But I still want to talk to you about the change that has overcome my life since you have been gone. The change that has overcome my life was the best thing that ever happened to me and I have grown so much from it as I get older. We would talk about my struggles that I had to face to get to where I am now. That includes my education struggles and family and the outside world struggles. My high school year, especially my junior year was the hardest for me, maybe because I really didn’t have a lot of support to push me like you would’ve. Can you believe that my senior year was the

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