
A Lady's Life In The Rocky Mountains By Isabella Bird

Decent Essays

Nature writing revolves around elements of nature with the aim of creating environmental and ecological preservation. It has been a significant method to process scientific information in a skillful and creative way and to persuade people to think from a different angle about problems facing the environment. In the American culture, nature writing has had firm roots. It has worked alongside other literature works such as poems to ensure that people capture environmental issues in a broad way. It has helped in the shaping of American ethics and has influenced public opinion on issues of ecological preservation. The essay analyzes influences of John Muir, Aldo Leopold, and Wendell Berry on the book A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains by Isabella Bird.
The book A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains details a visit by Isabella to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado on a horseback. She writes a book with the aim of describing nature of the Rocky Mountains (Bird 12). She has a goal of passing through the mountains to reach the Estes Park. The book describes her life while in the mountains. Bird describes scenery of the mountains that are snow-capped. During her visit to the mountains, she describes the …show more content…

Ground actions of Aldo have showed that the content of Isabella’s book has not been in vain. Through the message in the book, Aldo led wildlife preservation missions. He foresaw preservation of forests in the American West. He ensured that roads were built through the forest for people to see wonders of nature. He was also appointed as the nation’s foremost expert on wildlife management. He urged for the scientific management of wildlife habitat instead of depending on game and hunting laws. Through his expertise works, he influenced Isabella’s book because he performed actions aimed at preservation and valuing of nature that were the epicenter of the message in the Isabella’s book (Bird

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