
A Leader Is One Who Or That Which Leads Or Conducts? Essay

Satisfactory Essays

A leader is one who, or that which, leads or conducts; a guide; a conductor, (citation). Taking a course that focuses on the subject of organizational behavior has enhanced my understanding of what constitutes effective versus ineffective leadership. Learning about the various leadership styles and traits that influence the behavior of individuals in leadership roles revealed the significant influence that leaders have on organizational performance. Participating in this class also helped me to identify the strengths and shortfalls that I bring to bear as a leader. As my perspective evolved over the duration of this course, I determined that to lead others successfully going forward, I will need to change several aspects of the way I have led others in the past. Of the many benefits that stemmed from the assigned readings, classroom discussions and opportunities for introspection and reflection, the heightened sense of self-awareness I achieved was most valuable. Ultimately, the insight and knowledge I acquired through taking this course was essential to recognizing a pathway towards becoming a better leader.

During my junior and senior year of high-school I was employed as a supervisor at Tim Horton’s (TH) in Dearborn Michigan, where ultimately, I became responsible for overseeing a small team of people, addressing day-to-day operational requirements, and ensuring compliance with both, corporate policy and any pertinent state and federal regulations. Shortly after I

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