
A Look At The School As A Service Industry

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2U Interim Report
A look at the School-as-a-Service Industry

Education costs have soared and the debt load of students as well as the dwindling enrollment in universities has given rise to both entities seeking value through online programs. Students choosing online higher education have options that include traditional university driven programs, strictly online programs, and then those universities who offer programs with online partners like 2U (Reynolds, 2015). 2U (formally 2Tor) is a cloud-based software-as-a service company, partnering with leading colleges and universities to deliver online degree (2U, 2015). 2U acts as an outsourcing company for universities, providing them with infrastructural support and coursework design …show more content…

2U is attracting a young, energetic employee base. The company’s focus is always on its people, proven in the company’s guiding principles which never mention the technology, the schools, or the competition, and strictly emphases on how you can be a better employee (2U, 2015). Its employees offer dedicated support services to students and universities. 2U has a dedicated staff with knowledge about the product and how to connect students and university staff together. Students are assigned a support advisor and 2U works closely with the universities to identify field placements that meet the high rigor curriculum requirements of the university, as well as the geographical needs of the newly expanded enrollees (See Exhibit 2). This gives the company an advantage over the competition because of how costly this would be for universities to implement on their own and for the value it creates for the students.
One of the strategies to exploit human resource is to reward innovative ideas that are successfully implemented by the company. The company’s culture is guided by “hard work, dedication and a genuine passion for the work [they] do” (2U, 2015). They have created an atmosphere where employee celebrate even the smallest of triumphs and are encourage to be bold and fearless, make service their mission, strive for excellence, all while having fun and knowing that the work they are doing is making a difference and changing lives every

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