
A Manual For Uf Health Family Medicine Nurse Assistants

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How To Take The Four Main Vital Signs A manual for UF Health Family Medicine Nurse Assistants By: Lauren Golom Vital Signs The four main vital signs taken at any doctor’s visits, emergency centers, or even at home are body temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure. Measuring vital signs allows any professional to detect health issues or various medical problems and any person to be aware of his or her medical health. Body Temperature Body temperature is taken to make sure the body is doing it’s job of regulating the ideal temperature for certain processes to continue successfully in the body. When the outside temperature gets too hot or too cold, our bodies have ways to keep our internal temperature in a safe range, such as sweating and shivering. A normal body temperature is 98.7°F or 37°C. There are a few different ways to take the temperature of a patient. The most common, and the one we will explain, is oral temperature. Materials: Oral Thermometer, plastic caps, a pair of gloves 1. Put on gloves before proceeding with any steps. 2. Take oral thermometer and turn it on by pressing the ON/OFF button. 3. Explain to your patient that you need to take their temperature to make sure they are not running a fever. 4. Once the thermometer is turned on, ask your patient to sit in an upright position and relax. 5. Take the metal probe at the end of the thermometer and insert it into a plastic cap. SAFETY HAZARD: Do NOT put the uncovered probe into a

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