
A Minor Disorder That Some Women Can Experience While Being Pregnant

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This assignment is to research and review a minor disorder that some women can experience while being pregnant. By understanding facts and demonstrating the physiological changes and adaptions that occur in relation to pregnancy can create empathetic midwives. Focusing on education and support through woman-centered care and displaying primary health practices in a professional setting.
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) is common in the first trimester of pregnancy, it can be an unbearable condition that affects several women. By the end of the first trimester 60% of cases resolve, with 91% settling by 20 weeks of gestation. (Herrell, H. E.2014). Hyperemesis gravidarum is a severe case of vomiting in pregnancy, it is a …show more content…

Both men and women can feel anxiety of parenthood and when woman are having symptoms of NVP this can result in absent work time, incomplete daily routines, managing to see friends or family and caring for other children in the home. Pregnant women can be left feeling exhausted and unhappy, this can then have some negative effects on family relationships, and some couples connections can feel strained. If the woman is working she may also need to tell her employer about the pregnancy, this may possibly be earlier then the women would have liked too. Generally this can be hard for some women. Asking for help is also difficult as a result of this women can become stressed, which can lead to sleep deprivation. Nausea can become worse if women are not getting adequate time for rest. Whilst women feel unwell they may experience some weight loss, this is not uncommon especially if women can not keep any food or fluids down. Weight gain will increase once the women can eat normally again, if women feel unsettled about weight loss they can talk to a dietitian who may suggest specific supplements.
It is unknown what the exact underlying pathophysiology of NVP is but it’s believed to be multifactorial and includes endocrine, gastrointestinal, cultural, psychosocial and environmental factors. Reduced gastric-esophageal pressure and delayed gastric emptying due to the effects of the hormone progesterone (Jarvis S,

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