
A Monument Of The World War I

Decent Essays

A Monument to Peace Inspired by War Grant Deetch Humanities 120 Professor Aaron Nusz October 10, 2015 On August the sixth 1945 a single nuclear bomb nicknamed “Little Boy” was dropped on the City of Hiroshima in Japan. Then on August the ninth 1945 another bomb, this time nicknamed “Fat Man” was dropped on the City of Nagasaki Japan. While it is well known that nuclear weapons were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan to bring World War Two to a decisive end, this piece of art these horrible days inspired is less known. The sculpture “Peace Statue” by Seibou Kitamura is deeply rooted in the aftermath of World War Two. According to the Japan National Tourism Organization the sculpture “Peace Statue” (Heiwa Kinen-zo) was built by Nagasaki sculptor Seibou Kitamura in 1955. This 9.7 meter high statue is made of Bronze and has been placed on a 3.9 meter base; the statue weighs about 30 tons. The statue’s right hand is pointed toward the sky while his left hand is pointed horizontally from his body in a flat handed gesture. The figure itself is a muscular, blue, shirtless man sitting in a peaceful position with one leg under him as he sits on a pedestal. The figure’s eyes are closed within a face that does not look Japanese. This statue is more than just a work of art; it is a monument to those lost during a horrible event in mankind’s history. On August 9, 1945 at 11:02 AM an atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki Japan and resulted in the death of

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