Introduction: A muscle relaxant is a pharmacologic aid use to alleviate tense muscles. It can be obtained as an over the counter drug or medication that requires a doctor’s prescription. I will be presenting the value of muscle relaxant to overstimulated muscles with a neurologic involvement such as spasticity, and how it can help mitigate and revive the person ability to recapitulate his capability to perform his/her activities of daily living. Spasticity is described as an abnormal muscle tone that is velocity-dependent, and it is usually correlated with an upper motor neuron lesion with an association of hyperactive deep tendon reflexes (Nair & Marsden, 2014, p. 1). There are numerous neurologic diseases that exhibit …show more content…
It helped lessen her lower extremity spasticity and made her walking less effortful. Unfortunately, she did not tolerate the medication due to the side effects of the drugs such as lightheadedness, muscle weakness, and dizziness. For this reason, she stops taking the drug, and her lower extremity stiffness worsened not to mention, gait unsteadiness. She went to the to the hospital due to the adverse effects of oral baclofen; the neurologist considered switching her to an intrathecal baclofen pump treatment. Though, the dosage is yet to be determined after the acute care physical therapist performs a pre and post spasticity grading. I had received the consult and this writer immediately performed a neurologic evaluation including a spasticity assessment. The Tardieu spasticity scale was used. Haugh, Padyan, & Johnson (2006, p. 900) suggested that Tardieu is more accurate compared to modified Ashworth scale since the former evaluates and analyzes the response of the muscle to passive movement at both slow and fast …show more content…
An interesting study of Orsnes, Sorensen, Larsen, & Ravnborg, (2000, p. 247) stated that baclofen has minimal effect on gait improvements compared to placebo; these patients only received an adequate dose of the drug that will yield no side effects. The component of the gait that demonstrated a minimal change is a vertical unsteadiness. The researchers have attributed this change to the influence of baclofen on the knee extensors and ankle dorsiflexion at the final part of swing phase. Since this study has a small sample size, and patients did not receive the maximum dose to achieve a good result, further study in a larger group sample with different variations of dosage may have made this study demonstrate effectiveness in MS gait
As a result of the contractions in the Muscle- Skeletal Longitudinal Section cells and the Muscle- Skeletal Cross Section cells, it allows your muscle to be able to contract in response to nerve stimuli. This means that the movements of most of these muscles are not involuntary, you can control them. Therefore, once the stimulation stops, the muscles relax.
Because the administration of the BESTest takes from 45 to 60 minutes, which may not be practical in all clinical settings, a condensed shorter version of the BESTest (Mini-BESTest) was created. Through the basis of rash analysis, unnecessary items and 2 sections of the BESTest, biomechanical constrains and stability limits/vertically, were removed to yield the assessment of dynamic balance. The Mini-BESTest contains 14 items of the original 36 items from the BESTest. The items on the Mini-BESTest are scored on a 3 point scale ranging from (0) to (2). A score of (0) indicates the lowest level of function and a score of (2) indicates the highest level of function, leading to a possible total score of 28 points (Yingyongyudha et al., 2015).
Primary lateral sclerosis is a very rare form of MND in which people experience spasticity but do not experience muscle wasting or fasciculation’s.
Spastic Diplegia can briefly be described as a form of Cerebral Palsy that affects the lower extremities. It is a neurological condition that appears early in life. I chose to do my research over this condition because of a very special little girl in my life named Brenna. Right before Brenna turned three years old she was officially diagnosed with Spastic Diplegia. This was a diagnosis I had never heard of so when I began researching and found that Spastic Diplegia was a type of Cerebral Palsy I was confused because Brenna does not portray the characteristics of other Cerebral Palsy patients I have witnessed before. I have, since then, learned that there are different types of Cerebral Palsy
When MusclePharm's world-renowned scientists teamed up with legendary fitness icon Arnold Schwarzenegger, they looked at how to bring a superior pre-workout product to market. Arnold famously described the pump as the greatest feeling you can get in the gym and a sure signal that the body is growing fast. And lets be honest, no feeling is greater than muscle pumps that last all day. Nothing is more motivating than looking in the gym mirrors and seeing veins you never knew you had. Along with delivering a crazy workout-energizing formula, that's the entire thinking around Iron Pump - sick pumps all day!
Motor skills are mostly affected performance skills that A.K. is suffering from. For example, posture, mobility, coordination, and strength/effort are areas affected. A.K. shows spasticity in her lower extremities and trunk. Her legs show substantial spasticity in movement and joint range of motion. A.K. requires assistance with upholding a secure seated position in the bathtub as well as getting and in out of the tub.
After analyzing findings from the initial evaluation the patient’s primary issue is severe right hip/knee pain which is limiting his ability to participate in PT, as well as perform functional activities. Therefore, identifying the source of pain is the main priority since the patient’s pain is 5/10 at rest and 7/10 with bed mobility, transfers, and ambulation. Taking into consideration the high pain levels and unknown source; the patient was discharged and recommended to follow up with his MD. This being said, below are potential concerns involving the combination of medications and impairments during interventions if this patient remained in Neuro Clinic with minimal pain.
Berker & Yalcin (2010) mention three types of CP are spastic, dyskinetic, ataxic, and mixed CP. The affected area in Spastic CP is the brain cortex, and it can be identified when the muscle tone resists to a passive motion. Berker & Yalcin (2010), that means hypertonicity. It is known by this signs: hyperreflexia, clonus, and present of primitive reflexes. Berker & Yalcin (2010). The three common types of Spastic CP are hemiplegia, diplegia, and quadriplegia. Hemiplegia means half of the body is affected, but when the all body involved it is called quadriplegia. Berker & Yalcin (2010). Dyskinetic CP occurs due to affection of the basal ganglia, and the muscle tone is characterized by both hypo and hyper tonicity. Berker & Yalcin (2010). The signs of this type are dysarthria, dysphagia, and salivation supplement with the movement problem. Berker & Yalcin (2010). Ataxic CP, the affected area is the cerebellum, and it is defined by losing of equilibrium, synchronization, and regulation of fine movement. Berker & Yalcin (2010). Muscle tone in this type tends to show hypotonic at the first 2 years of the child, then it becomes normal. Berker & Yalcin (2010). After the 2 years ataxic becomes recognizable by the wide based gait, and dysmetria. Berker & Yalcin (2010). The last type is mixed CP when the lesion in the brain is diffused, and shows some signs of spasticity and dyskinesia.
Have you ever worked out too much and your calf muscles hurt and burn but you still have a long walk home? Hi Im Josh and today we will be taking a look at what muscle relaxers are all about. Muscle relaxers are depressants of the central nervous system and are used in addition to rest physical therapy and other measures to relieve stress.
In my opinion, muscle relaxant together with physical therapy modalities and most importantly therapeutic exercises will have an effective result than taking muscle relaxants alone. Muscle relaxants help alleviate pain and relieves the stress on the muscle caused by trauma, strain, or physical exertion. As a consequence, patient can participate well in the therapy with less discomfort. For instance, with my patient who had rotator cuff surgery, during the first few days of treatment, she didn’t like to take muscle relaxants. During our therapy, she was complaining of increased pain and when performing range of motion exercises patient had muscle spasms in the shoulder muscles and interferes with her therapy. The doctor advised to take the
Increasing the stability and decreasing spasticity while strengthening muscles surrounding the joint over a six-week period will improve scapular stabilization thus improving scapulohumeral rhythm, which is an essential part of healthy shoulder function. The results of this study used a combination of stretching and joint stabilization exercises for spastic joint dysfunction in the selected patients reversed the pathological changes in tendons and improved shoulder function. This is seen by the results discussed with the affected tendons being measured before and after the study showing a decrease in the thickness of the tendons over time. The third group had the greatest decrease in thickness. This group was the one that received 15 minutes of joint stabilization exercise and 15 minutes of stretching. The other two groups showed a decrease as well, however, less difference than the third. One of the groups had 30 minutes of joint stabilization exercise while the other had 30 minutes of stretching (Young Youl You, Jin Gang Her, Ji-Hea Woo, Taesung Ko, & Sin Ho Chung,
Loss of muscle strength or coordination occurs in a wide variety of disorders, each of which poses a special problem. These conditions include weakness, altered muscle tone, involuntary movements or reduced coordination due to poliomyelitis, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, the muscular dystrophies, myasthenia gravis, tumours of the brain or spinal cord, spinal stenosis, spina bifida, organic brain damage following a head injury or stroke, Tourette’s syndrome, Huntington’s chorea and ataxias.
One of the most exciting treatments being discussed and researched currently is neurotoxic protein Botulinum toxin type A (BoTN-A). By injecting BoNT-A into spastic muscles, one can potentially reduce the spasticity present from 3 – 6 months (Simpson et al., 2008; Scholtes et al., 2006; Dai et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2008). It does this by weakening the muscle that it is injected into, effectively relaxing the stiff muscles in cerebral palsy (Bihari, 2005). Additionally, BoNT-A injections can increase the motor functionality of a patient and reduce or prevent deformity (Apkon & Cassidy, 2010). The effects are reversible, so after this time period has passed, BoNT-A must be reinjected into the muscle. The main focus of the injections are for spastic or dystonic muscles. Some, though, have shown that whilst BoNT-A injections are helpful in the upper and lower extremities, there is conflicting evidence regarding motor function (Delgado et al., 2010). BoNT-A injections may even be combined with any number of physiotherapies, occupational therapies, orthotics or casting as described above to increase its effectiveness (Novak et al., 2013). With these other measures, walking performance and hand functionality improved (Novak et
There are a number of treatments that can be done at home to help relieve the symptoms and prevent skin infections. While some believe it is just an old wives tale, taking a oatmeal bath is an effective treatment for the blisters and will also help relieve some of the itching associated with it. Calamine lotion is another useful treatment to help relieve some of the itching. For younger children and even some adults, you should make sure to keep fingernails trimmed short, as this may help prevent skin infections caused by scratching blisters. Controlling of the symptoms is the best treatment, and each has its own best course of action. While persons with fever should be treated with non-aspirin medications, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen
Progressive muscle relaxation was first developed by American physician Edmund Jacobson in 1938 and since then has been adapted and utilized by many different disciplines. Progressive relaxation is an intervention that integrates breathing techniques, along with alternating tensing and relaxing various muscle groups to assist a patient in managing anxiety (Jacobson, 1938). The sequencing of the relaxation techniques can start either at the head or at the feet and isolate one side of the body or focus on the body as a whole. The nurse can provide verbal guided imaging during the session, or a pre-recorded audio can be implemented (Chan, Richardson, & Richardson, 2011).