
Mini-Bestest Evaluation

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The Mini-BESTest Because the administration of the BESTest takes from 45 to 60 minutes, which may not be practical in all clinical settings, a condensed shorter version of the BESTest (Mini-BESTest) was created. Through the basis of rash analysis, unnecessary items and 2 sections of the BESTest, biomechanical constrains and stability limits/vertically, were removed to yield the assessment of dynamic balance. The Mini-BESTest contains 14 items of the original 36 items from the BESTest. The items on the Mini-BESTest are scored on a 3 point scale ranging from (0) to (2). A score of (0) indicates the lowest level of function and a score of (2) indicates the highest level of function, leading to a possible total score of 28 points (Yingyongyudha et al., 2015). In 2015, researchers conducted a study on 79 adults (mean age 68.7) to determine the validity of the BESTest, Mini-BESTest and Brief BESTest. Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale, The Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly, The Timed Up and GO Test, and The Single Leg Stance test were used to assess the …show more content…

The participants were 106 with chronic stroke: 25 with a history of falling in the last year and 81 without a history of falling. To assess validity, participants in the stroke group and 48 healthy subjects performed the Mini-BESTest as well as four balance measures (BBS, One Leg Stand, Functional Reach Test and Timed Up and Go Test). The Mini-BESTest was repeated again for the 30 participants after 10 days in order to determine its reliability. The results showed a close relationship between scores on the Mini-BESTest and the other outcome measures. The Mini-BESTest was able to detect the difference between the fallers and non-fallers groups. More importantly the Mini-BESTest showed less floor and ceiling effect than the BBS (Tsang et al.,

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