
A Personal Experience : My First Day In My Life

Decent Essays

Waking up with my mom saying "Alexis, I took your dad to the hospital early this morning," that wasn't what I wanted to hear first thing in the morning. I began to sweat; my palms began to get clammy and this nauseous feeling coursed through my body. I didn't understand why mom took him at first but then remembering at 3 o'clock that morning he was struggling to breathe, then I realized why. Immediately when I got to school I told my best friend of 13 years what my mom had told me this morning. My best friend was with me throughout this whole journey. The evening of April 5th that evening was the first time I went and saw my dad in the hospital. Seeing him, lying there not being able to recline the bed up to greet me because it hurt him, was hard enough. Not realizing that this was the begging of the end for him. He then began to tell me how proud he was me and what decision he made by smoking. That conversation was enough to get me to get sob. He then said "Come here," I knew then he wanted to hug me and try to reassure me he was going to be okay. Little did we know he wouldn’t be. My family spent the coming weeks driving from either the house, work or school just him. In one week we spent $200 dollars just in gas alone. The night he was admitted to the Hospital the doctors did a CT scan and an X-ray: That's when the doctors had found a mass. So naturally, they wanted to do a biopsy that week to see if the mass was a cancerous legion. With Johnson 2 all the

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