Yay!!! My sister said she was so happy that we were going to the zoo. She was so happy that she even started crying I had to calm her down because she started going crazy. So I took her to my room and told her that she needs to calm down or I will tell mom and dad to cancel the trip to the zoo and we will just stay home and do nothing. And that's when she stopped and she walked to her room and took out her color pencils and started drawing a animal. As soon as she did that I saw my parents getting the suitcases out of the active and started putting our clothes and there clothes in the suit cases and as soon as they did that they called me and my sister to there room they told us that we will be leaving tomorrow to go to the zoo that we need to go to sleep so we can get some treats. So we both took a shower and got in our beds and went to sleep. Huuuh!! It is already morning and it is time for us to get ready to go to that zoo that my sister is so excited to go to. So I got up from my bed and go to my sisters to so we can get ready so I woke her up and told her that it was time for us to get ready and go to the zoo. When I told her that she got out the bed so quick that I could not catch up with her. She took out her favorite dress and put it on after she did that she washed her teeth and got her shoes and got here socks and she went to her room and did her hair and went downstairs and mom and dad that she was ready I was so impressed because she only did in like two
Lauren Rezac- My weekend did not really start off to exciting. Right after my Fast-Pitch game I was picked up by my dad in our 1962 jeep. When we got home we had supper and we all stayed up for a little bit and went to bed. On Saturday I had the house to myself, my dad was helping our neighbors while my mom and sister were in ST.Cloud.So When I was at home I was pretty bored so I did what most bored kids I know would do turn up the music and make a little mess, basically I made slime. When mom and Alexis came back my sister got a call from my dad to go help out so I went with her.I helped by steering the tractor when she got bored and she did the speed and stuff like that. On Sunday we gave mom her gifts then we got ready to trapshooting me
When I woke up a walk down stairs and I was wondering where my mom was because we are supposed to go to 6 flags today. I was so excited I couldn't wait. Then I ran up to my mom's room and there she is sleeping in her bed. I yelled WAKE UP we are supposed to go to 6 flags today. She said oh I forgot then we both jumped in the shower before we left. Then we were on our way to 6 flags. We left at 8:00am so she said we would be there at 10:00am. ZOOM!!! the car went by us in a flash. We barely saw it. Then my mom gave me a large box when we stopped at kwik trip. She said I couldn't open it till tomorrow. Then we got back on the road. I was listening to the music for most of the ride. Then there it was my favorite song was on. I told my mom to crank it up.
“There a deer,D.J.!” said my dad. So I ran to my dad.Then, I ran to my dad and said “what do you want.” I found a 8 point deer. Then I pulled my rifle.So I aim for the lungs and shoot.
Most people do not know who I am. How much pain I have seen. The suffering of innocent creatures. In all of the suffering, I have only seen three suffer far worse than others. Three elephants by the names John, Tonky, and Wanly. The elephants have always looked on people with amiable, shimmering, caring eyes. I would watch them play, run, and be free. The trainers loved them and cared for them. Till we set off a sleeping giant and all war broke loose. It rains daily and never stops. The screams of people, children just like you, and animals. I stay stuck, the wind only able to move me. I am forced to watch the pain. As I weep my tears flow into the cage of the elephants dancing for the families.
It was a fine Sunday Morning. I was about to experience a fun day of baseball. It was a beautiful afternoon for a trip to the ballpark. I could hardly wait to get there to experience all of the fun things. I was with my brother and his girlfriend and my two nephews and me.I got there by car with my brother's girlfriend and me and my nephew. When we got there we went to the park there and played on the playground. Then we headed up to our seats which were all the way at the top ,one of the best seats in the house. I went down to the concession stand and my brother gave me $20 to buy three pops and a small pop for my nephews and me. The guys who comes to you and give you the ice cream and stuff. we got slushies
On Saturday I woke up around 7:00 I lay in bed and read for a little bit and then I got up and started my chores. (My dad went to work while I was doing my chores) When I had two to go we had breakfast (biscuits) and watched a doctor who. Then I finished my chores and packed to go to my grandma’s house for a sleepover. After I had finished packing I started coloring with my mom and my brother. Then my grandma came and we put away our colors and then we packed the car and headed to the grocery store to drop my mom off so she could get groceries. We had to go with her so we did and I pushed the cart while my grandma went and did something. Then my grandma came and we dropped my mom off back at our house and went with our grandma for a sleepover. First we had lunch there then my brother and I had to pick up the sticks if we wanted a popsicle. When we finished we got the popsicle and played until bedtime which was at 9:30. I stayed awake reading until I finally fell asleep. It was a big day.
During the day mom and dad called us down and asked “ Would you guys like to go to the park today and have a picnic and play?” The children cheered in excitement and by then the parents knew that they wanted to go. It was almost twelve in the afternoon and mom got the kids ready while dad made the food and got drinks put together. Then by that time there were all done getting ready they all loaded up in the car and took off to the park for a couple of hours. The children jumped out of the car right when they got there and ran as fast as they could to the park. Mom hollered over to the kids and told them that they were gonna go set up for lunch time. After mom and dad set up they went and played with the kids. They kids were so excited when
On 10/11/16 at 4:38pm, I Deputy Warden N. Christian was dispatched to Parson Ave and Marion Ave on a dog at large, patrol only. I arrived in the area and proceeded to drive around the area. I was flagged down by a group of people holding onto a black/brown German Shepard. A female individual stated that the dog just ran up to her front door. I place a leash on the dog and put it in my van. The dog had a microchip. I transported the dog to Franklin County Animal Shelter. Dog owner Raymond Burdette redeemed the dog on 10/13/16. I issued Mr. Burdette violations for failure to license and failure to vaccinate.
When my mom came in, she went up to me and said, “Come here and wait, I have to get something. I forgot it.” I replied with a simple “Okay”, not thinking much about it. Then, my mom walks in with something. Suddenly, I heard a very vocal “meow!” I got super excited. It was a cat! A Bengal cat! I had always wanted one because of how pretty and beautiful they were.
Ever since I was 10 one topic has always fascinated me, hunting. Even though I grew up in the city and have only gone hunting 3 times, I've always loved doing it. I’ve only ever got one deer, it was a doe. I got it the opening day for 2017 (Nov. 15).
I enjoy hunting and fishing with my free time. I remember shooting my first deer. I was excited and my head was running a million different ways. I raised my gun, pointed my gun at the deer lined the gun where I was going to shoot, took a deep breath and pulled the trigger. Then I looked up and seen the deer jump and run; I heard a crash and know I got my first deer. I would like to accomplish many things this year.
The next day my mom picked me up from school and we headed over to my dance school. As soon as my mom found a parking spot I jumped out of the car and headed in. When I went in there was a lobby and 3 dance studios. My mom looked at the email saying I was signed up for class and said I was in studio 2. I then raced down the hallway and into the second studio.
That place was very cold. All I wanted to do was to get to my destiny. I was with my comrade Henry and our 6 dogs. I remember we were taking the coffin and tried that nothing will happen to it. The same day, I camp with Bill. We started eating and talking and we realized that there were 7 dogs. We counted again and we had 6 dogs. We were confused. At the end, we had 5 dogs. I was sad and worried because Fatty was gone. Anyway, we follow the trail. I remember we lost another dog. So I tied the remaining dogs up with leather thongs and sticks. But it did not work because another dog disappeared. We made our way and we noticed the wolf. We tried to scare the she-wolf but we realized that it did not work. By following our route, the sled got stuck
I love it. The hiking across large open lands. The excitement when I find the perfect target. The rush of pulling the trigger. The success to walk up to my prize. I love hunting. Many people think hunting is a sport for boys only, but I don’t. Hunting is a super fun way to spend quality time with my dad, and it’s one of the things that makes me special. I love telling my stories of my trips.
After we bought all the stuff we needed, we headed back to the house. We were almost home when I saw a women standing outside of her car in her driveway. She was holding groceries and petting a little kitten. “Awe it’s so cute!” I said