
A Personal Narrative : Hunting As A Personal Experience

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It was a hot day in the middle of September. My gun fired and the deer collapsed. I remember happening like it was yesterday and will forever be apart of me. The first time I shot a deer is a life changing moment. I can still feel the adrenaline rush when I think about it. Hunting is one of the most primal things humans can do, and the feeling is unlike any other. In the afternoon at about 3 o’clock PM to be exact. Me and my dad parked the truck and headed toward the treestand at our lease. The excitement I felt was unlike anything I’ve known before. As I climbed over the fence to get onto our property, I could already feel the sweat on my head. Looking around the vast field with hay bales and straw everywhere, a lone tree row stood like a castle in the desert. As we got closer to it, I could feel the shade and the slight breeze. There was a patch of wild marijuana we had to walk through in order to get to the treestand that stood there. I strapped my 7mm-08 caliber rifle with a wood grain stock to my back and climbed up the cold steel ladder. I made it up the ladder I strapped my backpack to the rail of the black treestand and the hunt began. By this time it was about 4:30 PM and the sun began to set my dad told me in a whisper “the deer are about to be moving so stay alert.” Suddenly there it was the crackling of the leaves I thought for sure that it was deer, it was getting closer. I slowly turned my head only to realize the noises I heard were the sounds of a squirrel

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