
A Psychiatric Rehabilitation Skills Assessment

Decent Essays

1)In Psychiatric Rehabilitation the saying goes 'desire before ability'. Briefly describe how this phrase ties to the relationship between a person's preferred valued life role (goal) in the area of living, learning, working or playing) and a skills or functional assessment of their ability.

The term desire before ability, can be defined as: That a person must have a want, need or a drive to reach goal or be motivated to accomplish a task. If this desire is missing, it becomes difficult or almost impossible for the individual to accomplish these goals even though they may have the ability to do so. This saying desire before ability, also means that the person who has a desire to reach their goal, can be taught the skills necessary to eventually …show more content…

A Psychiatric Rehabilitation Skills Assessment includes considering the 'required' and the 'desired' skills. The required skills are the skills that a person needs to perform to be successful in their chosen role and setting. The desired skills are the skills related to a person's satisfaction in their chosen role and setting. Who suggest what skills are 'required'? Who suggests what skills are 'desired'. Briefly describe how you would gain an understanding (conduct a skills assessment) of the 'required' and 'desired' …show more content…


I believe this explains the required skills and desired skills needed for the individual to be successful in their chosen role and setting.

3)Share an example outlining the skills development steps that you have taken (through coaching or teaching) to enhance a person's ability to perform a skill. The example can be from your personal life or from your current role within mental health recovery.

I work with an individual, who we discovered at his person-centred planning meeting wanted to learn to use a phone to call his friends and family. Once the meeting was done, I discussed with individual how we could make this effective for him. We discovered that if we did a task analysis or broke down the process making a phone into simple steps would work the easiest for the person. So in the task analysis we broke down the process into ten steps, these steps included
1) Picking up and open his phone book
2) Find the number of the person he wanted to call
3) Pick up the telephone receiver
4) Dial the number
5) Put the receiver speaker to his ear
6) Listen to the phone ring
7) If someone answer, say hello
8) If no one answer, listen for a beep to leave a

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