
A Raisin In The Sun Conflict Essay

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Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun and Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye both use conflict as a key factor to show the importance of one specific topic. In A Raisin in the Sun, the author uses money and dreams to build conflicts
It is important for a piece of literature work to have a conflict because is
Both pieces of literature show that a conflict makes up the theme of the work

Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun, is a play in which each individual character holds a specific dream though their family responsibilities become a central conflict. In this play the conflict is aroused from the difficulty of attaining money, also causing dreams to break down. This depicts that money plays a significant role in everyday life and is needed …show more content…

Money plays a huge role in everyday life because we use money as a way to attain happiness and achieve our goals. Money is like a key to door and behind that door are your dreams. Once you have that key you can easily attain what you want. According to, the author gives an example that shows that the point the author makes in A Raisin in the Sun is not only relevant to the book but is relevant to what most people in society face nowadays. The author states, “My own mother, a brilliant young woman with a bright future and scholarships to the best universities, back in the sixties, had to give up her dreams, forget about college and start working as a clerk because her parents were so poor and needed her to support them.” This also gives another supporting example to the Hansberry’s point because it shows that money is important and is needed in order become successful. The mother had to let go of her dreams because she didn’t have the amount of money she needed and had to live her life the way she didn’t want to. Similar to A Raisin in the Sun, in which the Younger’s family had to let go off their dreams and come to a compromise that benefitted the family as a whole, due to the lack of money they

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