
A Reflection On Physical Aggression

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Physical aggression Narcissism is linked to low empathy, and aggressive reactions to threat. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that it has been linked to physical aggression as well (Blinkhorn, Lyons, Almond, 2016). Baumeister and colleagues (1996, as discussed in Maples et al., 2010) suggest the “threatened egotism” hypothesis, which claims that when the positive view of the self of a narcissistic individual is attacked by others, violence may result. Hence, why narcissistic individuals get aggressive when their self-concept is threatened (Maples et al., 2010). Especially individuals with vulnerable narcissism get in a shame-rage cycle. Their sense of entitlement makes them think they deserve more, yet they doubt this sentiment at the …show more content…

This might explain why high rates of narcissistic personality styles were found in women arrested for intimidate partner violence (Simmons, Lehmann, Cobb, & Fowler, 2005).

Psychological abuse Psychological abuse should not be overlooked when one looks at intimidate partner violence. Narcissism often has negative consequences, such as pain and suffering, in romantic partners, due to mainly antagonistic and intrusive behaviours (Lamkin, Campbell, vanDellen & Miller, 2015). Narcissistic individuals see themselves as better looking, smarter, and more socially extraverted than their partner when having grandiose narcissism (Campbell, Foster, & Finkel, 2002). They often use interpersonal relationships to enhance and maintain their self-concept (Lamkin, Campbell, vanDellen, & Miller, 2015). This predicts an exploitative and selfish approach to interpersonal relationships that include a lack of empathy, game-playing, and infidelity. Since the initial stages of the relationship are often very positive. The interpersonal difficulties become apparent over time (Miller, Campbell, & Pilkonis, 2007). Narcissism is linked to a game-playing love style, aversion to partner dependence, deception, and attention to other potential partners. Receiving the benefits of the relationship without paying the costs.

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