
A Report On Auto Maintenance

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When it comes to auto maintenance, your tyres are one of, if not the most, vital components of your vehicle. You might be thinking, “Harjeev, everyone knows this already”, and you’re not wrong. Yet, despite this being largely common knowledge amongst drivers, a majority of auto owners across the world tend to delay or neglect their maintenance altogether. According to TyreSafe 's 2015 Tyre Safety Month study 65% of UK drivers (out of 102,000 tyres they surveyed) needed to check their treads more often. Not only does regular service and maintenance reduce your service costs, as scheduled maintenance outweighs large repairs, it impacts your safety. TyreSafe’s study painted a potentially frightening image of UK roads with over a quarter of tyres (27.3%) having an illegal tread depth of 1.6mm or less. That’s 10 million tyres in 2015 alone that were potentially illegal! If that didn’t catch your attention, maybe the penalty will. In the UK, you could face a £2500 fine and three penalty points per illegal tyre on your vehicle! Imagine how much you could have saved when comparing the price of new tyres against potentially £10000 in fines. Let’s delve into why you cannot put off your tyre care. If you aren’t maintaining your tyres, expect to see a decline in your vehicle 's braking, cornering and gas mileage while your CO2 emissions go up. Just think, neglecting your tyres affects everyone’s safety, your wallet and the environment in one fell swoop! Let’s pretend that wasn’t

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