
A Report On The Chinese Nuclear Industry

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The use of nuclear energy has a negative connotation for many countries and their populations, not just since the Fukushima accident in 2011. While many countries decided to decrease their capacities or withdraw completely from this sector, China, the fastest growing non-OECD country, is the only nation to increase their capacities. This thesis gives a detailed overview of the Chinese nuclear industry, including its challenges and opportunities. 1.1 Background China as the fastest growing economy worldwide, is currently facing a challenging time to meet the energy demand of their population (Dalpino, 2005, p. 46). The heavily populated Eastern region is often subject to electricity outages (Sternfeld, 2010, p. 4), as the used electricity is mainly generated in the less densely populated West, a project supported by the west-east electricity transfer project (Oaks, 2004, p. 154). In the past, China has been mainly relying on their coal resources in order to meet this demand. The domination of coal consumption rose from the need of energy in a large country with a relatively low qualitative supply of natural gas and oil and the rather late development of these sources (Kang Z. , 2014). However, the extensive use of this fossil fuel came at a high price for the Chinese: • Logistic shortages occurred, caused by the geographical distances between the coal resources in the North and North-East and their places of actions mainly in the Eastern part of the country (Sternfeld,

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