
A Report On The Workers Compensation Board

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WCB Stats The following is a report on the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) industry synopsis for the construction-industrial sector from 2013 to 2016. The report will examine the top three types of accidents, and the top three parts of the body that were involved in accidents in the construction industry. The report will also make suggestions to the part of the management system that may have resulted in the accident trend, proffer a plan of action, corrective actions and the stakeholders that will be involved in the corrective actions.
The Top Three Types of Accidents A review of the industry synopsis from 2013 to 2017 for a construction-industrial sector showed that the top three types of accidents in the construction industry were as …show more content…

The Top Three Parts of the Body Involved According to the WCB synopsis the top three parts of the body involved in accidents in the past 4 years that was reviewed include the following:
Back: There were 265 reported cases of back injuries between 2013 and 2016 in the Construction-Industrial sector (WCB, 2017).
Trunk: The WCB synopsis reports that between 2013 and 2016, 180 workers where involved in accidents that involved the trunk (WCB, 2017).
Knee: There were 134 reported cases of accidents that involved the knee in reported cases from 2013 to 2016 (WCB, 2017).
Part of The OHS Management System That Is Not Working According to the synopsis, the top three accidents in the industry over the last four years are falls, overexertion, and bodily reaction and exertion.
Planning Policy Section
Starting with the planning policy section of the OHS Management System (OHSMS), a vital component that may be defective, leading to the reported accidents in the industry are the identification and evaluation of a hazards and risk, emerging safety issues in the industry and ways to mitigate the health and safety issues.
Implementation Policy Section
Hazard and Risk Identification and Assessment: The construction industry is a high hazard industry that comprises of a wide range of activities involving construction, alteration, and/or repair (OSHA, 2016). Like any other major industry, construction workers are engaged in many activities that may expose them to

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