
A Report on the Protective Services

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Abstract No aspect of protective service goes unaffected by public revenue challenges. Future leaders and supervisors will face increasing demands for performance with fewer resources for operations, compensation and thus talent in order to manage systems and workforce demographic change under increasing budget constraints. Privatization and outsourcing is often proposed as one-size-fits-all solutions, but different systems within fire protection may only be amenable to private-sector management where competition can be maintained. Absent competition, however, the public welfare may not be maximized by a single, dominant firm. In such cases ethical oversight of the public interest may require regulation along the lines of existing public utilities, to balance access to private capital against the cost reductions that drive, and result from, the profit motive. Trusts and monopolies are concentration of economic power in the hands of a few. Economists believe that such control injures both individuals and the public because it leads to anticompetitive practices in an effort to obtain or maintain total control. Anticompetitive practices then lead to price controls and diminished individual initiative. These results in turn cause markets to stagnate and depress economic growth. -Cornell University Law School (2012) Chief Glenn Gaines (2012) argues that socioeconomic trends drive a need for decisive action to protect fire service quality, and offers solutions like

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