Joanne clark Norfolk house Assignment 204 Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care 204 Task A Booklet Create a booklet about safeguarding, which can be used as a reminder for people who work in the care profession. The booklet must: Ai Describe in your own words what is meant by the following types of abuse: • Physical abuse Physical abuse is the use of physical force that may result in bodily injury,physical pain or impairment.physical abuse may include but is not limited to such acts of violence as striking ( with or without an object) hitting,beating,pushing,shoving,shaking,slapping,kicking,pinching and burning. • Sexual abuse Sexual abuse is any sort of non consensual sexual contact,sexual abuse can …show more content…
Avi Identify the national policies that set out requirements for safeguarding individuals Safeguarding vulnerable groups act 2006 No secrets act 2000 Care standards act 2000 Avii Identify the local and organisational systems for safeguarding Safe guarding vulnerable groups act 2006 cqc Criminal records bureau human rights act 1998 Aviii Explain the roles of different agencies and professionals that are involved in safeguarding individuals Police,- criminal(assult ,fraud, theft domestic violence) Council, - to protect people using their service – make sure they re safe extend help where needed to support those experiencing abuseand neglect in their own homes Social workers – to investigate actual or suspected abuse or neglect Crb-to check an individuals past to see if they have any criminal convictions Gp,a&e staff,nurses,medical professionals – they can diagnose treat and examine and record any evidence Cqc – to regulate and inspect care providers Aix Identify sources of advice, support and information to help social care workers understand their own role in safeguarding Health
Adult safeguarding was defined as, a range of activity aimed at upholding an adult’s fundamental right to be safe at the same time as respecting people’s rights to make choices. Safeguarding involves empowerment, protection and justice. In practice the term “safeguarding” is used to mean both specialist services where harm or abuse has, or is suspected to have, occurred and other activity designed to promote the wellbeing and safeguard the rights of adults. Following the Civil Service rapid evidence assessment methodology1, having formulated the questions to be addressed by the review and developed a conceptual framework, inclusions and exclusion criteria were agreed. Articles published in 2002 or later, relevant to the review questions were included. Studies were excluded if they were not relevant, for example: health focused, concerned with children rather than adults. A wide range of databases, web-sites and grey literature were searched and screened, using search terms related to adult safeguarding, adult protection and workforce, staff and training. Experts in the field were also asked to identify relevant resources and guidance. Results Overall, much of the evidence on workforce and adult safeguarding is based on a limited number of studies and cases. Much of the work reviewed was of little specific relevance to the social care workforce. Most
A significant element of a practitioner’s role in protecting themselves would be to read policies and procedures that are put in place to safeguard them and children or young people in their care. In a care setting a professional can protect themselves by:
Unit 516 Understand Safeguarding of children and young people (for those working in the adult sector) P5
M1 – I am also going to describe how health and safety legislation, policies and procedures promote the safety of individuals in a health or social care setting.
Safeguarding is a fundamental part of our every day activities with children and young people in the most basic of things from
Safeguarding is an important part of integrated working. When professionals work together in an integrated way, they put the child at the centre of all activities to help identify their holistic needs earlier to improve their life outcomes. It is important to see safeguarding as
● organisations that are responsible for commissioning or providing services to children, young people, and adults who are parents/carers; and
indicators of abuse, the 4 point approach to abuse, our procedure as an organisation and what
Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and
1.1 Analyse the differences between the concept of safeguarding and the concept of protection in relation to vulnerable adults
In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of safeguarding adults. You will describe different types of abuse, the signs and symptoms associated with them and what to do if you are aware of or suspect an individual has been abused or you note unsafe practice. You will research failings in care services and explore how best practice can help to keep individuals safe. You will also identify the range of people who may be involved with safeguarding, along with the policies and procedures that govern best safeguarding practice.
* Conduct a literature review (journals; text book, etc.) on the safe guarding vulnerable individuals (i.e. children; disabled; elderely) policy within health and social care settings and summarize its aims and objectives
The first kind is called physical violence. Physical abuse, including assault, is the intentional use of force against a person without that person's consent. It can cause physical pain or injuries . Physical abuse includes:
There are currently hundreds of different legislations (laws) put in place to ensure the safety of any personnel living in England. However, only certain legislations are related to the safeguarding of children, vulnerable adults and protecting people from abuse and neglect. The following 10 legislations are outlines of current legislation related to safeguarding within the health and social care sectors. This includes working in a hospital environment, in a doctor’s facility, social work, childcare, elderly care homes, support for children with disabilities and many more. The ten legislations included are: