
A Research On Cloud Computing

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In cloud computing, to protect data from leaking, users need to encrypt their data before being shared. Access control [6], [7] is paramount as it is the first line of defense that prevents unauthorized access to the shared data. With the burgeoning of network technology and mobile terminal, online data sharing has become a new “pet”, such as Facebook, MySpace, and Badoo. Meanwhile, cloud is one of the most promising application platforms to solve the explosive expanding of data sharing. In cloud computing, to protect data from leaking, users need to encrypt their data before being shared. Access control is paramount that prevents unauthorized access to the shared data. Recently, attribute-based encryption (ABE) has been attracted …show more content…

Then the patient adopts CP-ABE scheme to encrypt the information m1 and m2 by different access policies based on the actual need. For example, an attending physician needs to access both the patient’s name and his medical record in order to make a diagnosis, and medical researcher only needs to access some medical test results for academic purpose in the related area, where a doctor must be a medical researcher and the converse is not necessarily true. Suppose that the patient sets the access structure of m1 as: T1 {(“Cardiology”AND“Researcher”)AND“Attending Physician”}. Similarly, m2 is termed as: T2{“Cardiology”AND“Researcher“} Apparently, the information needs to be encrypted twice if m1 and m2 are encrypted with access structures T1 and T2, respectively. Two ciphertexts CT1 = {T1,C1,C1, ∀y ∈ Y1 : Cy ,C’y} where Y1={“Cardiology”, “Researcher”, “Attending Physician”} and CT2 = {T2, C2,C2, ∀y ∈ Y2 : Cy ,C’y} where Y2={“Cardiology”, “Researcher”} will be produced [11]. In the Fig. 1, we can find that the two access structures have hierarchical relationships where the access structure T1 is the extension of T2 [25]. The two structures could be integrated into one structure T. If the two files could be encrypted with the integrated access structure and produce ciphertext CT = {T , C1 ,C1, ∀y ∈ y1 : Cy ,C’y} where Y={“Cardiology”, “Researcher”, “Attending Physician”}.Here, the components of ciphertext {T ,Cy

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