
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs'

Decent Essays

Moreover, Steve Jobs, describes past events of his life in order to motivate the college students to follow their hearts. For example, through organization, Mr. Jobs manages to give a symbolic meaning to the third story, as it is the last, and it is about death, the last event all humans experience. Also, using anecdotes, he narrates the time he was diagnosed with cancer and the doctors thought it was terminal evoking empathy from the audience. The anecdote contributes to the creation of a somber tone, too, which is illustrated in sentences like “It means to say your goodbyes” and “I lived with that diagnosis all day”. Then, Steve Jobs changes the mournful tone and concerned mood of the audience into a jovial and friendly one with words like …show more content…

Afterwards, Jobs argues that “No one wants to die” through the use of inductive reasoning where his own previously illustrated experiences serve as the premise to the conclusion which then serves as proof that students should follow their hearts, and attempts to achieve his purpose by employing short sentences with deep meaning such as “Everything else is secondary” and “Stay …show more content…

Jobs himself giving him credibility when talking about death due to him having experienced how it feels to know one is going to die. The use of the anecdote and inductive reasoning further contributes towards the purpose because it presents proof to the point from which Steve Jobs bases the rest of his argument: “No one wants to die.”. And because no one wants to die, and yet everyone does, you should “have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” The anecdote is used as the basis of all the logical reasoning in the story, and the conclusion of the logical reasoning, is to follow your heart (the goal of the purpose). Finally, the use of short sentences with deep meaning is crucial to achieving the purpose because it grants the audience a simple take-away, something that those college students can remember for the rest of their lives, and yet contains the main message Steve Jobs wanted to give the students: be eager, be

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