
A Rose For Emily Literary Analysis

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A Rose for Emily In the short story a rose for Emily, Faulkner uses the characters throughout the story to portray the image of the old south. Faulkner begins to portray the changing of the old south to the new south through one of the key characters Miss Emily. The beginning of the story starts out with her being a beautiful young woman with a very wealthy and healthy father, resembling of times before the war. Her father was a perfect example of the old town a strong wealthy rich white older plantation owner. As Emily grows older her father becomes ill and dies the overprotection from her father over Emily and Emily’s love and respect for her father resulted in ms Emily not wanting to give up his body to the doctors or towns people to be properly buried, this being the first symbol that Emily was not prepared for the transition that …show more content…

Her home, a once magnificent and stunning plantation, gradually began to deteriate after her father’s death, symboling the destruction of the old south and everything it stood for. After her father’s death the people of the town began to take pity on Ms Emily only because she was one of few left that symbolized the old times. This is the opening to a new life for Miss Emily, She began to suffer from a bodily decline, which accompanied her age, Symbolizing decline of the “old” South. Throughout the story Miss Emily slowly became older and fat , suggesting the collapse among the “old” South. When Miss Emily passes away the “old” South is gone forever. The young people of the town after the civil war ultimately symbolize the “new” South. Realizing Emily was fixed in her past, the people of the town attempted to convey her back to the present. For example, the city authorities tried to get Miss Emily to pay her taxes, but she refused because Colonel Sartoris came up with a lie so she would not have to pay her

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