
A Rose Is Still A Rhodes (Rose)

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A Rhodes (rose) is still a Rhodes (rose) Introduction “Like the rose that grew from concrete, life is hard. Never give up! You’ll make it to the sunshine of success. Never give up!” J. Lewis A s you look at the rose that grew from concrete, what do you see? Do you see the damaged petals? Or are you in awe to see the rose that actually grew from concrete? The truth is we never know what molded an individual into the person that is presented to the outside world. Just like the rose that grew from concrete, we view people from their outer being rather than from their soul. My tenacious behavior is much like that rose. That rose that grew from concrete willed itself to survive and bloom despite the laws of nature. …show more content…

This course has broadened my world view and piqued my interest of subfields in philosophy. For an example in “A Lesson Before Dying,” and “Midwives,” different philosophical phenomena’s emerged from the pages of each novel—philosophy of the mind, religion, and science. Philosophy of the mind: Both novels were reflective of human emotions, such as desire, passion and feelings. Philosophy of religion: “Lesson Before Dying,” religious symbolism was used throughout the novel. Grant and Pastor Ambrose were continually battling over religious beliefs and spirituality. Philosophy of science: “Midwives,” the trial of Sybil—traditionalists vs. modernists. This course has helped me think outside the box and dissect a work of art, and identify underlying questions that provides me a better understanding of what the writer is trying to portray to their audience. In conclusion the rose in concrete metaphor represents the hardship of life, but with perseverance anything is possible. Hello, my name is Carletta Marie Rhodes and I am destined for

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