
A Short Note On Motor Development ( Fish Lacing Cards )

Decent Essays

Class: Pre-Kindergarten (4-Year-Old Classroom)
Unit: Motor Development (Fish Lacing Cards)
Teacher: Ms. Zarie Baker
1. Students will engage in activities that require hand-eye coordination.
2. Students will use tools that require strength, control, and dexterity of small muscles.
NC Standards:
HPD-5: Children develop small muscle control and hand-eye coordination to manipulate objects and work with tools
HPD-5n: Engage in complex hand-eye coordination activities with a moderate degree of precision and control.
Paper Fish Cutouts
Hole Puncher
Poster Board decorated as the ocean
Duration: 25 minutes (10 minutes to explain/ 15 minutes for students to complete lacing card)
Anticipatory Set:
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How will we use our fine motor skills today?
Today, we are going to create lacing cards using fish cutouts? Does that sound like fun? Who likes fish?
Yes, that sounds fun!
Me, I like fish. I like to eat fish sticks.
That sounds yummy, but we’re not going to eat fish. Instead, we’re going to use them in our activity. Ok?

What do we need
Today, we are going to create fish lacing cards.
To create them, we are going to use fish cutouts, a piece of yarn, and crayons to decorate them at the end.
Creating the card:
All the materials are laid out on the table. First, you are going to grab a paper fish cutout. Next, you are going to take a long piece of yarn, and loop it through the holes that outline the fish. The holes have already been punched for you. Starting from the top, loop the yarn in and out of each hole. Go in one hole and come back through the next. Once you’ve looped all of your holes, take both ends of the yarn and tie them together. After that, you can use the crayons to color and decorate the fish however you would like. Use your creativity and give the fish a name. Write your name on the back. Finally, take the fish and tape it to the poster.
Checking for Understanding
Everyone let’s practice our looping. Using both hands, let’s pretend that we are looping through the holes.
(Demonstrate and allow children to copy.)
I can do it! Look, I’m doing

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