
A Short Speech : Being A Police Officer

Decent Essays

Good morning Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to speak about the type of person that I am. For me, being a Police Officer meant a lot of things. It meant enforcing the laws, serving the public and being the best representative for the Dayton Police Department I could be. I performed my duties as a Police Officer to the best of my ability. This was easy for me because of the skills I learned while severing my county. I was that with the starched uniform and spit-shined boots on everyday. The Officer who mentored the youth in the area I worked. The Officer who watched over the elderly, making them feel safe. I even transported an elderly lady to the grocery store when needed in my Police Cruiser.

Being a patrolman is all that I wanted to be. I had no desire to make rank or to be a detective. I felt I was needed more on the street with the troubled kids and the elderly. I was one of those troubled kids when I was young living in the City of Chicago. I came from a family of Police Officers. However, that didn’t stop me from dropping out of school and getting into trouble. Things changed for me when I met a Chicago Police Officer, who’s beat I lived in, took interest in me. Around this time my best friend went to prison for murder and I moved to Dayton Ohio.

After moving to Dayton, I went back to High school and graduated. Soon after graduating high school, I enlisted, joining the United States Army. After leaving the army, I worked a security job until being hired as a

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