
A Short Story : A Story?

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Paul heard the screams before he even woke up. When he finally opened his eyes it took him a few moments to register where the screams were coming from. He looked over at the other side of the bed and panicked slightly, before he remembered that Sally was away at a writer’s seminar and would be getting home late.
Then where were those screams coming…
Paul was ashamed that it took him that long to remember: He had a step-son.
Paul bolted out of the bed and flung the blankets off. He dashed out of the room and across the hall, where the screams were coming from. When he opened the door to Percy’s room the screams doubled in volume. Paul rushed to the teen’s side as he thrashed restlessly, his face contorted into a painful grimace,
“No…NO!” Percy screamed. “Annabeth!”
“Shhh… Percy it’s alright.” Paul tried to wake him gently. “It’s alright son, wake up.”
He put a hand on Percy’s shoulder intending to shake him softly, but Percy jumped awake at the sudden contact and recoiled from Paul’s touch. Paul sat awkwardly for a second.
Right… I’m the step-dad… not Sally… He thought bitterly. He looked at Percy and melted. The boy’s eyes were filled with pure terror and his body was soaked in a cold sweat. Paul swallowed his pride and crept closer to the teen.
“Hey, Percy it’s alright. You were having a nightmare, that’s all.” Paul said softly. Percy blinked the terror and confusion out of his eyes. He relaxed, trying to compose himself.
“I’m sorry Paul,” He started. “I… demigods

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