
A Short Story : A Story?

Decent Essays

“Aaaaaaaaaah!” Was that Anna? Susan could barely hear over the mechanic zombies and other children screaming. I had only left a minute ago to use the bathroom. I told her to stay right here. “Oh God.” I mumble under my breath. “Okay stay calm, stay calm she has to be here somewhere.” Walking towards the long hallway filled with the cackleling witches, and howling ghouls made me even more uneasy. “ANNA… ANNA WHERE ARE YOU SWEETY,” she screams. Before long she reaches the end of the hallway and Anna is no where to be found. She takes a look around and notices a light flashing on the floor near the entrance to the dinning room. It was anna’s phone. Susan opened her phone to blurry pictures of a mans foot. They were dirty black and white nikes about size 10. She is finally realizing what had happened. Someone has stolen Anna. She pulls out her phone and dials 911. A man picks up the phone, sighs and says “Hello this is officer Heldon what is your emergenc?.” “My daughter is missing please I found her phone someone took her and I dont know where she is...” Susan panics before she is cut off. “Slow down mam. Are you sure she isn’t anywhere near by? Children tend to wonder off. They have very curious minds.” He states “No she always knew to stay and not to talk to strangers. I need someone to come find my daughter, please hurry. 1341 Smith avenue there is a haunted house being hosted.” “Sorry” the officer said with sorrow in his voice “we don’t have any officers on duty at

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