
A Short Story Revealed: A Narrative Fiction

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“Yes!” Luke was fighting to keep from screaming at the older man, his voice coming out in a hiss instead of a yell.
“I couldn’t just sit there and watch you bleed to death, Luke.” His voice was defensive and louder than before.
Luke’s eyes were now brimming with tears, “You should have.”
“Luke, you were dying in my arms. You would have never survived long enough for an ambulance to get there, there was so much blood. Fuck, there was blood everywhere. Luke, it was pouring out of your body and pressure wasn’t helping. Your clothes and my clothes were soaked in it and I just couldn’t – I couldn’t just hold you as you slipped away from me forever.”
“But that’s exactly what happened. Instead of having me die in your arms as your’s, you now have …show more content…

Luke finds himself in a park, guitar in hand. After a good hour of playing, his attention strays. There is a family across from him. A man, probably in his twenties, a woman around the same age and a young child playing frisbee with their dog. The desires for a family of his own come flooding back to him. Luke can’t help but grieve for what could have been.
He wants to plead, to beg him to stay but he doesn’t for the sake of his dignity.

It’s a glimmer of hope that fades all too quickly.

Michael smiles at the book in the younger boy’s hand, “Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly -- they’ll go through anything. You read and you’re pierced.” Michael states offhandedly.
“What?” Luke questions, peering over to Michael.
Michael hums out a nothing in response.

Luke finds himself fangs deep in a brunette. He pushes the thought out of his head.
It’s too late, so he lets the darkness overcome him. The body falls limp to the ground as Luke disappears into the …show more content…

He feels it weighing on him for years. But he pushes it aside.

They catch up over coffee. Seventy years ago, Luke would have found the idea of reminiscing in with your ex lover in a coffee shop to be cliche. But that was then.

They reminisce of days they first meet, catch up on the past decades, they even talk about the night of the wreck. Luke knows he should go, before he stays to long and can’t walk away. He knows he should walk before he admits there is a place in his heart that still feels like it was meant to be giving to Michael. He knows he should make a trivial excuse and head to the next town and chapter in his life. He knows it all too well, but yet he stays.

Michael and Luke find themselves living in Luke’s hometown. Things have changed since the last time, but yet it feels familiar. Michael takes up teaching Literature at local college. Luke owns an instrument repair shop. He also volunteers at a local grade school teaching and tutoring students in music. Their apartment is far from lavish, but none the less it is nice. Michael leaves clothes and books scattered about,and Luke attempts to keep order to the place. They find normalcy in each

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