
A Short Story : The Story Of A Best Friend

Decent Essays

Watching a best friend that has been there throughout it all die, is immensely difficult. The story begins with the narrator, Enzo telling the readers about the end of his life. He is old and his bones and joints are stiff and his body does not function like it used too. Through all his pain he still tries to hold his head up high for his owner Dennis. With all the years they have spent together, it is incredibly hard to let go. Enzo knows Dennis needs to continue his future and that he will not be in it, so he decides to let Dennis go on without him. Rewinding to the beginning of their life together Enzo begins the story on a farm in Spangle, Washington behind a barn where there laid a tangled ball of puppies. All yipping and running into each other like a couple of newborns. From this chaotic mess there was one puppy chosen by a young man named Dennis Swift. Dennis bought this puppy called Enzo and took him into his home. During the first years of Enzo’s life with Dennis he learned a lot about racing, as to be expected from a semi-professional racecar driver. They often watched racing videos together which Enzo loved very dearly. The two bonded quickly and were soon inseparable. They lived together for many years very happily until Dennis finds a woman named Eve. He soon fell in love with her and Enzo’s life forever changed. Dennis and Eve married and they had a child which is something Enzo has never experienced. Although he is baffled at first with this child, he feels

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