
Personal Narrative Essay : The Best Friend In High School

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Standing atop the ledge of the Golden Gate Bridge is so intimidating. I've stood in this spot countless times, however, I've always wussed out of actually doing the unthinkable. With no one to help this uninteresting high schooler out, this girl doesn’t even have a single friend in this new place. Because all of my technology has been broken in someway, I've not had a chance to talk to my old friends, but it's not like I had numerous friends in my old place. Nevertheless, the one friend I thought I had was Corrine, but she moved on and found other friends after I moved away. So much for best friends forever.
Come to think of it, my family isn't the most supportive, since they pick favorites. Ever since the twins were born, I haven't experienced any sort of tender love or care, and any attention they have left over, it all goes to my older brother. Praise the great honors student who takes all AP classes and volunteers every chance he acquires. He's the next potential valedictorian of the school.
And me? Conversely, you’re looking at the biggest failure this family has ever seen. I haven’t made an attempt to be a productive, social member of this school. I'm just here; I'm part of the crowd; I'm completely average. Consequently, I stand out just enough to be seen by some bullies that need to hurt others to feel better about themselves. Moreover, they enjoy and love seeing my reactions, but after a year of them, I've started to become indifferent to my own suffering, therefore, the pain no longer hurts; I’m numb to it now. How I got to this point is a long story that involves my panties and bra being hung on the flag post of the new school I went to, and various glares and judgmental looks from other girls in the locker rooms. Basically I was bullied, if you're wondering; it's not a tale that needs much explaining.
I realized that the Golden Gate Bridge was closed to pedestrians at night, so I borrowed my brother's old bike and went on my way. I'm glad that they haven't finished building that suicide prevention fence or whatever. It doesn't fit the aesthetic of this place anyways, and further continues the plot.
Enough about my backstory, it's not like it will matter at all in a few seconds. I am here, and in

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