It all started back in April, My friend Chanel began to mess with someone she had no business messing with. From there she knew she shouldn't be messing with this dude once she started to find out more about him. It was all kept from another friend and I because she felt ashamed and embarrassed to tell us. What in your everlasting mind would think this is okay. We didn't end up finding out until about 3 months later.
First, how did Chanel even meet this guy we both wondered. Here's a little background on the guy, His name is Marson and graduated a couple of years ago, he is 22, grown, own job, car, and house. Back to the story; it all began with a DM on Instagram by him saying she was “ so cute”. From there they had casual conversation and Marson said he wanted to get to know her better, and asked how old she was. At this point and time she was 15 and he is 22. He stated that if they were to “mess” it would have to be kept on hush. One night in the summer, he came to see her outside of her house and bought her something from cookout, ever since then she been taking risk to invite him to come see her at night or during the day when her parents are at work. Both of her parents are cops and sheriffs at that. She even has cameras all over her house on the outside. So why would she even try to pull a stunt like this. We eventually found out about him in July a little after my birthday. We tried to give her advice and say that she shouldn't talk to this guy, but it was too
As an innocent young boy watches his mother being killed by the cruel bank robbers, he vowed to himself he will avenge his mother’s death. He struggled through the bitter winter but he survived through the determination of revenge. Similarly, Roger Chillingworth, from Hawthorne’s renowned The Scarlet Letter, also thrives on revenge due to his wife’s disloyalty. As Chillingworth’s vengeance eats away at him, he transforms from a courteous man to a sadistic man; since Chillingworth is the driving force of the novel, he eventually evolves into a man he does not even recognize himself. Throughout this novel, Hawthorne argues extreme jealousy can turn an amiable person into a vengeful monster.
There was this little girl named Ayana at her day care who supposedly loved Venus’s husband Josh, at least that's what I was told. Ayana would lay in bed with Venus and Josh and “cuddle”, when Ayana would go home she would tell her parents things like “I love when Josh lays in bed with me.” Her parents clearly freaked because that's unusual for a kid to say so they talked to Venus about it and of course Venus lied and talked her way out of it saying “Ayana is just a child she doesn't know, she's confused.” So, Ayana’s parents said “Okay she can stay at your daycare but she is not allowed in your room!” Sure, enough later that week Ayana is back in the bedroom with Josh and only Josh. I don't know what went on back there or why Josh had a record but all I know is that Venus kept all of it a secret. When I would question Venus as to why does Ayana go in the back room with Josh alone she would say “Ayana loves Josh, she talks about how she misses him all day long, and she has a crush on him.” Venus made it sound like it’s Ayana who breaks her parent’s rules and goes to the backroom but really, it’s Venus who allows
Women in the 1920’s were expected to keep out of the public eye. They were not allowed to vote, or serve on juries. Legally, they were supposed to be subordinated. Women did not have the same rights as men pertaining to their political involvement. Because of this unfair inequality towards them, women decided to take a stance. In 1848 the movement for women’s rights was organize on a worldwide status. In July, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott created the first women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York. More than 300 people (women, a couple of men and african americans) attended. Their belief was that women should be provided with better opportunities revolving around education and employment, and that they deserved to have a voice in their government. Elizabeth Cady Stanton composed a “Declaration of Sentiments” document, influenced from The Declaration of Independence, which stated: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Women believed they should have a right to vote. However, after this assembly, the idea of a woman being able to vote was teased in the press, which lead delegates to take back their support.
The European fever of colonial aspiration, as Andrea White in “Conrad and Imperialism” suggests, is a very common motivation in the mid of the nineteenth century to carve up the non-European landscapes (White, 1996: 180). It was a period of ‘high colonialism’, frantic incentives for expansion, and sharing colonial territories. (GoGwilt, 2010: 138). It was the age where the Europeans were imperialising the weak peoples to construct their Empires. It is worth mentioning that, these Empires were often represented as creation of peace. They attach the names of peace to these Empires such as ‘Pax Romana, Pax Britanica, Pax Hispanica, Pax Mongolica, and so forth. The foundations of these Empires are written by people who live in the imperial countries. In his book, The History of the Decline and Fall of Roman Empire (2000), Edward Gibbon manifests that: ‘The obedience of the Roman world was uniform voluntary and permanent [....] The vast Roman Empire was governed by absolute power under the guidance of virtue and wisdom’ (Gibbon, 2000: 30). The assumption of the Empires’ good will to dominate the subjected peoples, is recently demonstrated by Jack Conrad in his book Fantastic Reality. His assumption coincides with that of Gibbon’s, he claims that: ‘[Domination comes in] a fit of absence of mind’ (Conrad, 2013: 243). The Empires are presented as a necessity to attain stability, prosperity and order for the subjugated peoples. They used the word ‘civilisation’ instead of
May 10th was my oldest brother’s 18th birthday. On that day at 2:00 in the morning my father left to fly down to Florida to deep sea fish with his friend Dan. He came back at 12:00 at night on Mother’s day. So my oldest brother, his girlfriend (Jillian), my mother and I in our little clique went down to Duluth for a night to hang out. When we arrived in Duluth we checked into our hotel and unloaded everything. Soon after we went to a restaurant that Jake and Jillian have been to before, they said it was amazing well that was their conviction. They came down here once for Jillian’s birthday. When we arrived there it was a 15 minute wait. Me and my mother looked at Jake and Jillian to see if it was worth the wait, they said YES! Therefore we
“He was going to stab you at that party, but you weren’t there.” I vibrantly remember looking at the ground and saying “No, he wouldn’t do that to me, no one would try something like that, I’m probably the nicest person you’ll ever meet!” unfortunately she was not joking with me, I mean my friend jokes a lot but never like this, through the tears in her eyes I knew she was being dead honest. Throughout that day other individuals from different social groups were warning me about his plans too. But they all asked me the same thing “please don’t tell anyone I told you this” “please don’t tell anyone though, just watch out,
Still as a statue, I lay in the comfort of my bed. It wraps its arms around me comforting
I still remember that fateful day, the day I was Stolen. It started out as a normal day at school. I’ll take you through the whole story. There is one thing you should try to figure out, who kidnapped me.
It’s February 12th, a cold, snowy day. I run into my mom’s room because I heard her scream. When I get there I see her on her back in pain. I’m dumfounded, I just there paralyzed, until I hear her say
It was the year 2046 and Russia was on the verge of war with the U.S. I was running under the cover of the night in Nevada when I was blinded by the bright flash of the S.W.A.T. vehicle. I cursed under my breath and ran into a back alleyway in a city. I made my way up the fire escape but I rushed and my hand slipped off of the top rung of the ladder. As I fell I questioned whether this really was the life for me, but before I could think of an answer I was caught by one of the S.W.A.T. officers. I remember being in a helicopter and being brought to a tower. I was led to a room with a gun pointed at my back, I wanted to run and get my life over with but I knew that my job was more important than my personal wants. I saw a man his face was
Imagine being stuck in a car upside down on a beautiful day. This was an extremely scary situation, considering I was three and my mom was pregnant. It was just an ordinary day heading over to my Nana and Pop pop's house in Medford NJ when all the sudden “BOOM” some random man hit us from behind sending us into a pile up of three other cars before landing in a ditch upside down.
Franchesca walked out of her trailer in a pair of miss America pajamas with a fluffy pink robe over it. She walked towards the end of the trailer camp with a bucket, rusted from years of use. Though she was the first to rise, the other patrons began to come out of their trailers. Several of them called out welcome but she didn’t respond. She was always like this, especially today, which was the anniversary of “The Day”. She continued to walk with composure and posture, almost like a beauty queen, until she reached the end of the camp, where the sign “Welcome to Nevada Trailer Camp” stood, towering over the highway. No cars ever came through this way, not since the creation of the new 156 highway across the desert. Behind the sign was a dense forest where the Srca[pers, the tent people, lived. The adults often told the kids to stay away from the forest and told terrifying stories about the scapers eating raw animals and being just general savages.
My mother destroyed her life with addiction but it would be a mistake to say I did not grasp the immense love in her actions. Throughout her turmoil, I began to appreciate the conduct of person rather than their words. I've received a phantom of a father, his words appear on Facebook timeline: _Merry Christmas to my kids and My Grandson. Dad Loves You and Miss You_. I can be honest and say his quick intention is to shroud the immense absence, the unfulfilling yet continually provoking hole, that he has given our family. I've taken action to fill that hole that has inured our family for too long.
“Let’s just start with the day you lost your sister,” the policeman encouraged the boy on. “The day I lost her, or the day I doomed her?” The boy couldn’t bare to lift his head more than an inch out of his hands. The tears have stung his cheeks since the day he lost her. “Time she was captured, boy, just describe the time she was taken,” he insisted, pushing a glass of water to me. Taking time to gather all the thoughts spilling and doing backflips in my mind, I start my story.
It was a cool evening at the beginning of summer. I was greeted at Anya’s house by Anya and Lily. We were super excited to set up a tent and camp on the back deck. Lily, was very happy because Anya and I were actually going to go camping at a sleepaway camp, but she didn't get to go. We strolled through the first floor, onto the deck. I set my backpack down on the chair and set the tent on the ground. We talked for awhile and decided that we should try to set up the ten before it got dark. We opened the tent bag and shook everything out. After sorting through everything in the bag we realized something… there were no poles. At first we were upset and didn't know what to do. Then, we decided to see if her neighbor (who was on the balcony nextdoor) had a tent. Anya yelled over and asked “Do you have a tent we can borrow?” Unfortunately, the she didn't have one. Unsure what to do, we went inside and asked her parents. They suggested a couple ways to put up the tent without poles, but we didn't think any would work. We went into the kitchen to talk and decided to ask some more neighbors. We walked outside and went door to door asking if they had a tent we could borrow. As we were about to give up, we noticed some kids across the street to the right of Anya’s house playing and throwing paper airplanes. We crossed the street and walked up the steps. We rang the doorbell and a young woman opened it (we think she was a babysitter), we asked her if they had a tent that we could use