
A Study Of Women With Non Mainstream Body Modifications Through Interviews

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In contrast, Pitts’ study of women with non-mainstream body modifications through interviews and autobiographical narratives was focused entirely on their lived experiences of their tattoos, piercings, and other modifications (2003, p. 58). With her use of qualitative methods, the subjective qualities of the participants’ bodily experiences were recognized, instead of erasing the richness of the narratives which would only be apparent with these types of methods. Furthermore, although Pitts’ research did focus on bodies, the women were not objectified and did not experience the same form of erasure as the men in previous studies, as substantial attention was given to representing their individual identities and experiences. While the impact of these methodological choices may be difficult or even impossible to separate from the theoretical basis or approach of the research, awareness of how they may affect the representation of participant voices and experiences in research, as well as the associated ethical implications of this must be maintained. Lastly, the issue of whose bodily experiences are studied and who is subsequently left out of research is an ethical problem in that it involves value judgements concerning which groups are worthy of study, and which are not. As underrepresentation can have wider consequences for certain groups through both its influence on future research and general perceptions, it is not enough to consider the ethics surrounding theory and

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