
A Study On Emergency Care

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Overview Judy Violet [pseudonym] is a twenty-year-old female who has presented to Emergency Care [EC] with a three day history of burning and pain when urinating. She reported urinating more frequently than usual and that her urine was cloudy. She reported lethargy and loss of appetite, but was accepting fluids. She denied fever, nausea, vomiting and flank pain. She reported two previous urinary tract infections [UTIs] in the past six months. She self-managed these with cranberry juice, so does not “understand why it won’t go away” or “why I keep getting them”. She denied any history of sexually transmitted infections, or gynaecological complications. Her last period had been one week earlier and it was normal. She was married and denied any recent unprotected sexual intercourse. Miss Violet reported the contraceptive pill as her only regular medication, and had not taken anything for the current pain except for cranberry juice. Pain score was 7/10 at rest and increased on movement; blood pressure was normotensive 130/90; mean arterial pressure [MAP] was 100; heart rate was 85 beats per minute and rhythm was regular; respiratory rate was 16 breaths per minute and spontaneous; body temperature was 36 degrees C; oxygen saturation was 99% on own air; GCS 15/15; blood glucose level was 6.5 mmol/l. Physically unstable patient [PUP] score zero. Patient was received upright in bed with knees contracted up and was exhibiting facial grimacing. Suprapubic tenderness and

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